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Платформа №1 по лечению за рубежом с 2014 года

Шериф Явуз

Пластический хирург

17 лет опыта

Соч. Доктор Сериф Явуз — высококвалифицированный реконструктивный и эстетический хирург, специализирующийся на ринопластике, операциях на груди, липосакции, подтяжке живота, постбариатрических операциях и многом другом. Он обучался микрохирургии и исследованию стволовых клеток и является членом престижного Американского общества эстетической пластической хирургии. Он успешно провел сотни операций местным и иностранным пациентам и заслужил репутацию за исключительный уход за пациентами и отличные результаты.

Сертификаты и аккредитации

American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery


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Частная практика доктора Серифа Явуза (Dr. Serif Yavuz)
Ринопластика (пластика носа) "Все включено. Premium"
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Dr. Serif Yavuz was born in 1983 in Istanbul. He completed his primary and secondary education in Istanbul. he started his education as a doctor in 2000 at Dokuz Eylül Medical Faculty university. After completing his education in 2007, he successfully completed his reconstructive and aesthetic surgeries training which he started at Abant Izzet Baysal University Faculaty of Medicine in 2014.

During his residency training he received microsurgery training from Swiss University of Zurich in 2013. Especially, he examined the effects of stem cells ad PRP on collagen synthesis, and he made a lot of case studies and researches in this field.

 Op. Dr. Serif Yavuz is a member of ASAPA (American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery) the most prestigious community in the world. He is also actively participating in regular meetings by following the latest techniques and technologies development in the field.

Op. Dr. Serif Yavuz is specialized in Rhinoplasty, Secondary Rhinoplasty, Breast surgeries, Liposuction, tummy tuck and post bariatric surgeries. He performed plastic surgeries for a lot of patients who visits Turkey from all the world.

Op. Dr. Serif Yavuz performed the surgeries in the most distinguished hospitals of Istanbul, thanks to years of experience his patients are very satisfied with his communication and of course the results.

 Op. Dr. Serif Yavuz has performed many surgeries in his professional career life to hundreds of local and international patients. He helped them to reach their own appearance that they are looking for. All of that is the result of the surgeries and non-surgical procedures he performed as well as his knowledge, experience and skill.