Мексика, Монтеррей

Bariatric Health Monterrey

1 Сертификаты качества клиники

О клинике

Bariatric Health Monterrey is a single-specialty medical facility located in Monterrey, Mexico. The center specializes is Weight Loss Surgery. The quality of medical services and treatment is confirmed by Fellow, American College of Surgeons. Patients from the United States, Canada, the UK, and other countries choose Bariatric Health Monterrey for healthcare.

Варианты оплаты

Цены на процедуры в клинике

Дата последнего обновления цен — 29.04.2024. Цены могут меняться в зависимости от медицинского случая и рекомендации врачей.
Хирургия снижения веса
Консультация бариатрического хирурга Цена по запросу
Баллонирование желудка $3200
Желудочное шунтирование $6400 - $7500
Рукавная резекция желудка $5100

Сертификаты качества клиники

Американский колледж хирургов
US, Сертификат Американский колледж хирургов для медицинского учреждения Bariatric Health Monterrey

Bariatric Health Monterrey: подробнее о клинике

Мексика, Монтеррей

Bariatric Health Monterrey is located in Monterrey, Mexico. Medical staff here fluently speak the English, Spanish languages and are ready to provide you with medical care.

Why do patients choose Bariatric Health Monterrey for the treatment?

  • Affordable prices. The medical center offers the high-quality and low-cost procedures, including Gastric balloon, Gastric bypass, Sleeve gastrectomy, Bariatric Surgery Consultation.
  • Experienced and highly-skilled doctors. Mexican doctors are well-educated, have international certificates, and dozens of practical experience.
  • Focus on international patients. Hospitals in Monterrey, Mexico continue to be popular for medical tourism. Thus you receive fast and cost-effective medical assistance.

Certificates and awards

  • Fellow, American College of Surgeons

Weight Loss Surgery

Gastric balloon cost starts from $ 3,200.

Gastric bypass cost starts from $ 6,400.

Sleeve gastrectomy cost starts from $ 5,100.

Bariatric Surgery Consultation is upon request.

Prices are 3-4 times lower than in the US clinics.


English, Spanish

Services at Bariatric Health Monterrey

  • Free Wifi
  • Private rooms for patients available
  • Family accommodation

Medical team

  • Dr. Ricardo Xavier Cuellar Tamez

    Specialist training in laparoscopic obesity surgery

  • Dr. Jose Antonio Solano Velazquez

    Internal medicine specialist

  • Jimena Guerra Saenz

    Graduated from Tec de Monterrey

  • Veronica Vasquez Ruan

    Graduated from the University of Monterrey