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Обрезание крайней плоти | $1500 - $2000 |
Dongguk University Ilsan Medical Center is one of the well-known medical facilities in Ilsan, Republic of Korea. Spinal surgery, Neurology, Neurosurgery are the strongest specialties. Patients from the United States, Canada, the UK, and other countries choose Dongguk University Ilsan Medical Center for healthcare.
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Обрезание крайней плоти | $1500 - $2000 |
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Замена тазобедренного сустава | $16000 - $25000 |
диагностика | |
Консультация бариатрического хирурга | $50 - $85 |
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Желудочное шунтирование | $16000 |
Бандажирование желудка | Цена по запросу |
Баллонирование желудка | $10000 - $15000 |
Ушивание желудка | Цена по запросу |
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Ангиопластика сосудов сердца | $8000 |
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Ламинэктомия | $10000 - $20000 |
Спинальная фузия (Спондилодез) | $10000 - $18000 |
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Операция при кистевом туннельном синдроме | $1000 - $3000 |
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Медикаментозное лечение при акне | $800 - $1300 |
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Тиреоидэктомия | $8000 - $14000 |
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Гастроскопия | $150 - $300 |
Консультация гастроэнтеролога | $50 - $85 |
МРТ одного отдела | $700 - $2000 |
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Электромиография (ЭМГ) | $500 - $800 |
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Консультация кардиолога | $50 - $85 |
КТ (компьютерная томография) | $600 - $700 |
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Консультация онколога | $50 |
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Консультация невролога | $50 - $85 |
Dongguk University Ilsan Medical Center is located in Ilsan, Republic of Korea. Medical staff here fluently speak the English languages and are ready to provide you with medical care.
The strongest specialties at Dongguk University Ilsan Medical Center are:
Manimally invasive fusion surgery cost starts from $ 10,000.
Laminectomy cost starts from $ 10,000.
Consultation with a neurologist cost starts from $ 50.
Electromyography cost starts from $ 500.
Gastroscopy cost starts from $ 150.
Colonoscopy cost starts from $ 300.
Consultation with a gastroenterologist cost starts from $ 50.
Hip replacement cost starts from $ 16,000.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery cost starts from $ 1,000.
Consultation with an oncologist cost starts from $ 50.
Circumcision cost starts from $ 1,500.
Consultation with an oncologist cost starts from $ 50.
Neurological rehabilitation (per 1 day) cost starts from $ 7,000.
Medication therapy for acne cost starts from $ 800.
Consultation with a cardiologist cost starts from $ 50.
Coronary angioplasty cost starts from $ 8,000.
Gastric balloon cost starts from $ 10,000.
Gastric bypass cost starts from $ 16,000.
Bariatric Surgery Consultation cost starts from $ 50.
Gastric band is upon request.
Stomach stapling is upon request.
CT (computer tomography) cost starts from $ 600.
CT scan of the body part cost starts from $ 600.
Thyroidectomy cost starts from $ 8,000.
Prices are 3-4 times lower than in the US clinics.