лечение | |
Имплантация зубов | $1549 |
Реставрация зуба | $101 |
Установка зубной коронки | $645 |
Имплантация зубов по технологии All-on-6 ("все на шести") | $8875 |
Синус-лифтинг | $516 |
Exclusive Dental Studio is a single-specialty medical facility located in Poznan, Poland. The center specializes is Dentistry. Patients from the United States, Canada, the UK, and other countries choose Exclusive Dental Studio for healthcare.
лечение | |
Имплантация зубов | $1549 |
Реставрация зуба | $101 |
Установка зубной коронки | $645 |
Имплантация зубов по технологии All-on-6 ("все на шести") | $8875 |
Синус-лифтинг | $516 |
Exclusive Dental Studio is located in Poznan, Poland. Medical staff here fluently speak the English, German, Polish languages and are ready to provide you with medical care.
Allon6 Dental Implants cost starts from $ 8,875.
Allon4 Dental Implants cost starts from $ 6,339.
Dental Implant cost starts from $ 1,561.
Sinuslifting cost starts from $ 520.
Tooth restoration (bonding) cost starts from $ 101.
Prices are 3-4 times lower than in the US clinics.
English, German, Polish
Graduated from Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Graduated from Poznan University of Medical Sciences
Graduated from Poznan University