Испания, Санта-Крус-де-Тенерифе

Лечение Wellness ретритов - Free Canari

О клинике

The retreat center, founded by Willian Kirchner is dedicated to helping individuals navigate life's challenges, foster connections, and achieve personal growth. With a focus on sincerity, personalization, and transformation, they offer programs that are profound, practical, and deeply involved.

Варианты оплаты

Цены на процедуры в клинике

Дата последнего обновления цен — 29.04.2024. Цены могут меняться в зависимости от медицинского случая и рекомендации врачей.
Wellness ретриты
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Духовные ретриты Цена по запросу
Wellness ретриты Цена по запросу

Доктора клиники

Free Canari: подробнее о клинике

Испания, Санта-Крус-де-Тенерифе

Visitors to this retreat center can expect personalized programs aimed at profound change and self-discovery. Activities include transformative coaching, support for personal growth, and inner peace. Accommodation options range from comfortable rooms to luxurious yurts in the scenic environment of Tenerife. Visitors choose this center for its commitment to going in depth, practical insights, and individualized attention, resulting in life-changing experiences.