Малайзия, Куала-Лумпур

My Bliss Clinic

2 Сертификаты качества клиники

О клинике

My Bliss Clinic is one of the well-known medical facilities in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology, Dermatology, Plastic Surgery are the strongest specialties. The quality of medical services and treatment is confirmed by American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Patients from the United States, Canada, the UK, and other countries choose My Bliss Clinic for healthcare.

Варианты оплаты

Цены на процедуры в клинике

Дата последнего обновления цен — 29.04.2024. Цены могут меняться в зависимости от медицинского случая и рекомендации врачей.
Эстетическая медицина и косметология
Антицеллюлитная программа $215
Плазмотерапия волос $358
Лазерная шлифовка кожи $360
Инъекции филлеров $456
Подтяжка бровей $262
Пластическая хирургия
Подтяжка кожи лица (фейслифт) $72
Имплантация щек $453
Блефаропластика нижних век $480
Пластика подбородка с имплантом $453

Сертификаты качества клиники

Американская академия эстетической медицины
US, Сертификат Американская академия эстетической медицины для медицинского учреждения My Bliss Clinic
Малазийский медицинский совет
MY, Сертификат Малазийский медицинский совет для медицинского учреждения My Bliss Clinic

My Bliss Clinic: подробнее о клинике

Малайзия, Куала-Лумпур

My Bliss Clinic is located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Medical staff here fluently speak the English, Malay languages and are ready to provide you with medical care.

Why do patients choose My Bliss Clinic for the treatment?

  • Affordable prices. The medical center offers the high-quality and low-cost procedures, including PRP Hair Loss Treatment , Chemical Peel, Reducing cellulite, Mole Removal, Medication therapy for acne.
  • Experienced and highly-skilled doctors. Mexican doctors are well-educated, have international certificates, and dozens of practical experience.
  • Focus on international patients. Hospitals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia continue to be popular for medical tourism. Thus you receive fast and cost-effective medical assistance.

Certificates and awards

  • American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine


The strongest specialties at My Bliss Clinic are:

Aesthetic medicine and cosmetology

Chemical Peel cost starts from $ 67.

Reducing cellulite cost starts from $ 215.

Laser Skin Resurfacing cost starts from $ 358.

Microdermabrasion cost starts from $ 72.


Mole Removal cost starts from $ 24.

Medication therapy for acne cost starts from $ 72.

Plastic Surgery

PRP Hair Loss Treatment cost starts from $ 358.

Prices are 3-4 times lower than in the US clinics.


English, Malay

Services at My Bliss Clinic

  • Online doctor consultation
  • Free Wifi
  • Parking available
  • Restaurant
  • Café
  • Spa and wellness
  • Pharmacy
  • Foreign currency exchange office
  • Laundry
  • Dry cleaning
  • Safe in the room

Medical team

  • Dr. Elson Chee Chern Shiung

    Lifetime member of the Malaysian Medical Association