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Турция, Стамбул

Лазерная иридотомия — Сеть офтальмологических клиник Баты Гез (Batı Goz)

О клинике

год основания
Варианты оплаты

Цены на процедуры в клинике

Дата последнего обновления цен — 29.04.2022. Цены могут меняться в зависимости от медицинского случая и рекомендации врачей.
Лазерная иридотомия Цена по запросу

Сеть офтальмологических клиник Баты Гез (Batı Goz): подробнее о клинике

Турция, Стамбул

Doctors of Ophthalmology Clinics Batigoz have performed over 50,000 surgeries. Patients from all over the world (Germany, Great Britain, Netherlands, etc.) go to Batigos to correсt defects of the vision. The reason of Batigox popularity is it Batigoz provides high-quality and safe treatment for prices lower at 70-80% comparing with hospitals in Europe.

Doctors treat such ophthalmological diseases:

  • shortsightedness
  • astigmatism
  • cataract
  • retinal separation
  • old-age sight
  • glaucoma
  • strabismus
  • color blindness, etc.
Therapies at Batigoz

Specialists of the Hospital apply innovative methods of treatment. They are safe and do not cause side-effects. Among them are:

  • Eye laser surgery (EximerLaser)
  • RelaxSmile is the 3rd generation laser therapy. It is used for treatment of myopia and astigmatism without pain and injuries
  • Phaco-method for surgery of cataract.
  • Surgical and non-surgical methods for treatment of strabismus
  • Treatment of daltonism with special contact lenses