Мексика, Мехико

Ortopedia DF

О клинике

Ortopedia DF is a single-specialty medical facility located in Mexico City, Mexico. The center specializes is Orthopedics. Patients from the United States, Canada, the UK, and other countries choose Ortopedia DF for healthcare.

Варианты оплаты

Цены на процедуры в клинике

Дата последнего обновления цен — 29.04.2024. Цены могут меняться в зависимости от медицинского случая и рекомендации врачей.
Хирургия кисти
Операция при кистевом туннельном синдроме Цена по запросу
Ортопедия и травматология
Операция при переломе кости Цена по запросу
Операция при Халюс Вальгус Цена по запросу
Артроскопическая пластика ахиллова сухожилия Цена по запросу
Артроскопия голеностопного сустава Цена по запросу

Ortopedia DF: подробнее о клинике

Мексика, Мехико

Ortopedia DF is located in Mexico City, Mexico. Medical staff here fluently speak the English languages and are ready to provide you with medical care.

Why do patients choose Ortopedia DF for the treatment?

  • Affordable prices. The medical center offers the high-quality and low-cost procedures, including Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery, Bone Fracture Treatment, Knee Arthroscopy, Arthroplastic of Achilles tendons, Hallux valgus surgery.
  • Experienced and highly-skilled doctors. Mexican doctors are well-educated, have international certificates, and dozens of practical experience.
  • Focus on international patients. Hospitals in Mexico City, Mexico continue to be popular for medical tourism. Thus you receive fast and cost-effective medical assistance.


Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery is upon request.

Bone Fracture Treatment is upon request.

Knee Arthroscopy is upon request.

Arthroplastic of Achilles tendons is upon request.

Hallux valgus surgery is upon request.

Prices are 3-4 times lower than in the US clinics.



Services at Ortopedia DF

  • Online doctor consultation
  • Medical records transfer
  • Phone in the room
  • TV in the room
  • Parking available
  • Mobility accessible rooms