Хуан Карлос Касадо Моренте
лет опыта

Хуан Карлос Касадо Моренте

  • Специализация: Оториноларинголог
  • 35 лет опыта
  • Speaks:
    Английский, Испанский
  • Онлайн-консультации: доступны
  • Место работы: Испания, Марбелья, Клиника Киронсалуд Марбелья (Quirónsalud Marbella)
  • Doctor Juan Carlos Casado Morente is a reputed Otorhinolaryngology Specialist in Marbella with over thirty years' experience in the profession. Graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the Cordoba University, Dr Casado specialised in Otorhinolaryngology through an Internal Residency at the Reina Sofía Hospital in Cordoba.

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Анонимный отзыв • Консультация невролога
4 мар. 2025 г.
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Желательно получить более действенные рекомендации о лечении парестетической мералгии в Испании. ( болезнь Бернгардьа -Рота) такой диагноз мне поставил невролог но к диагнозу надо еще и лечение , рекомендации в какой клинике Испании такое лечат. А врач ограничился только назначением гормональных препаратов и биодобавок. Ничего не рекомендовал из физиотерапевтического лечения
Verena Fischer Eugster • Комплексная диагностика зрения
11 июн. 2024 г.
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Анонимный отзыв • Консервативное лечение
5 дек. 2020 г.
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Доктор был очень приятным и не торопился, чтобы объяснить процедуру
Прежде чем соглашаться на посещение больницы, убедитесь, что за вами будет ухаживать терапевт, расценки и план лечения в больнице. Убедитесь, что Букимед предоставляет вам эту информацию, а также убедитесь, что нет языкового барьера и что вы подготовили документы в порядке после выписки.
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26 сент. 2019 г.
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Dr Casado Morente is a permanent member of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society and Cervical-Facial Pathology, as well as being a member of the Committee for the revision of scientific articles of said society. Since 2013 he has been the Co-Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital.

He is a prestigious specialist of reference in the field of voice pitch change (voice feminisation and masculinisation). He is a frequent participant in a number of congresses as a speaker, national and international courses, as well as producing numerous reports in congresses.


Professional Experience

• Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit at the Quirónsalud MarbellaHospital.

• Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit at the Quirónsalud Campo de Gibraltar Hospital.

• Member of the Committee for the revision of scientific articles of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society (SEORL in its Spanish abbreviation) and Cervical-Facial Pathology (PCF in its Spanish abbreviation).

• President of the Commission of Laryngology ,Voice and Deglutition of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society (SEORL, in its Spanish abbreviation) and Cervical-Facial Pathology (PCF in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Professor of the University Official Master Degree "Voice and Language Disorders at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Honorary Cooperating Lecturer at the Malaga University (UMA, in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Vice-president of the Costa del Sol International Medical Academy (IMA, in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Founding Member of the International Association of Trans Voice Surgeons (IATVS) in Berlin, 2022 (jointly with 8 other surgeons from other parts of the world who specialise in voice pitch change: voice feminisation and masculinisation.


Book Publications:

• Clinical Assessment of the Voice. Medical and Speech Therapy Fundamentals. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado and José Antonio Adrián.

• Manual for the Laryngectomised Patient. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and José Antonio Adrián Torres

• Voice Disorders. From Diagnosis to Treatment. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and Agustín Pérez Izquierdo

• Voice Feminisation. A Mutidisciplinary Approach in Transgender Women. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and Enrique Maraví Aznar.


Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and head and neck surgery are a medico-surgical speciality dealing with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the pathologies affecting the ear (hearing and balance), the upper airways (nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx), sense of smell, oral cavity, neck and salivary glands.

The ENT Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital comprises a team of outstanding specialists in this medical field, who are a reference at national and international level, on account of their research work, implementation and development of avant-garde techniques, as well as regular publications in highly-influential scientific journals.

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