О Коннор Рейна
лет опыта

О Коннор Рейна

  • Специализация: Оториноларинголог
  • 20 лет опыта
  • Speaks:
    Английский, Испанский
  • Онлайн-консультации: доступны
  • Место работы: Испания, Марбелья, Клиника Киронсалуд Марбелья (Quirónsalud Marbella)
  • Dr O'Connor is the specialist of reference for the medical and surgical treatment of sleep apnoea. Dr O'Connor graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Seville and was awarded the Graduate's Extraordinary Prize. He specialised in Otorhinolaryngology and cervical-facial surgery at the University of Seville and was an Otorhinolaryngology Professor at the University of Medicine of Seville.

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During this time, he published the first European report on the advantages of injection snoreplasty to treat sleep respiratory disorders; and in 2006 he was the first doctor to place a soft palate in Spain. He is also the author of the first app in the world used for the treatment of sleep apnoea through telemedicine.

Dr O'Connor is the President of the Spanish Commission of the Spanish Society of Respiratory Disorders. He is also a member of the European Sleep Research, the American Otorhinolaryngology Academy, the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society, Ibero-American Otorhinolaryngology Society and Andalusian Otorhinolaryngology Society.

Professional Experience

• Lecturer in Otorhinolaryngology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Seville.

• Co-Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit of the Quironsalud Marbella Hospital and Quironsalud Campo de Gibraltar Hospital since 2006.

• First European report on the use of injection snoreplasty to treat sleep respiratory disorders in 2005.

• First soft palate implant in Spain and first publication in the country on this area of medicine (2006).

• Author of the first manuscript on the use of radiofrequency to treat hypertrophy of nasal turbinates in paediatric patients in sleep respiratory disorders.

• Author of the first lateral pharyngoplasty in Europe 2010.

• Author of the first expansion pharyngoplasty in Spain in 2010.

• First doctor in Spain to introduce myofunctional therapy in a sleep unit in order to treat obstructive sleep apnoea.

• Author of the first app in the world used to treat sleep apnoea through telemedicine.

• International revisor of papers about sleep respiratory disorders in Laryngoscope, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Plos One, Nature and Science of Sleep, International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Spanish Acta ORL, Stockholm Acta ORL.


Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and head and neck surgery are a medico-surgical speciality dealing with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the pathologies affecting the ear (hearing and balance), the upper airways (nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx), sense of smell, oral cavity, neck and salivary glands.

The ENT Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital comprises a team of outstanding specialists in this medical field, who are a reference at national and international level, on account of their research work, implementation and development of avant-garde techniques, as well as regular publications in highly-influential scientific journals.

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