Оба направления привлекли меня уже в старших классах. Мой энтузиазм сохранился и во время обучения на 1-м медицинском факультете Карлова университета. После окончания университета я поступила в Институт эндокринологии в Праге. Параллельно я проходила стажировку в Третьей внутренней клинике Общей университетской больницы в Праге. Оба учреждения являются узкоспециализированными центрами с широким спектром диагнозов. У меня были лучшие преподаватели. Я очень ценю два зарубежных опыта — стажировку в университетской клинике в Дюссельдорфе и в клинике Св. Бартса в Лондоне. В 2013 году я защитила докторскую диссертацию и после короткого декретного отпуска успешно прошла аттестацию в 2015 году.
Работа — это также мое хобби. Я слежу за последними тенденциями и участвую в отечественных и зарубежных конгрессах и семинарах.
Я оцениваю клиентов индивидуально, делаю ставку на спокойный и дружелюбный подход, тщательный анализ истории болезни, поиск связей и комплексный взгляд.
В эндокринологии я отслеживаю состояние гормонов (химических посредников), которые вырабатываются эндокринными железами и циркулируют в крови, регулируя большое количество функций организма. Заболевание возникает, когда выработка определенного гормона слишком высока или слишком низка. Кроме того, область эндокринологии включает в себя лечение сниженной плотности костей - остеопении или остеопороза.
При уходе за пациентами с диабетом самое важное для диабетика — понимать, что происходит в его/ее организме и какие результаты может принести правильный образ жизни и лечение. Я открыт для обсуждения различных диетических мер, стараюсь мотивировать позитивно и находить правильное решение для каждого индивидуально, чтобы мы могли достичь целевого гликемического диапазона.
2003 – 2009
Карлов университет, 1-й медицинский факультет, общая медицина
2009 – 2013
Аспирантура 1-го медицинского факультета Карлова университета в Институте эндокринологии
Тема: Нейростероиды в эндокринной регуляции
Руководитель: проф. Карел Вондра, доктор медицинских наук.
Тренер-консультант: Микаэла Душкова, доктор медицинских наук.
Аттестация по специальности «Диабетология и эндокринология»
General Surgery |
Plastic Surgery |
Oncosurgery |
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery or Dental Surgery |
Otorhinolaryngology |
Organization and Management of Health Care |
May 2019 Head of the department of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic
Surgery, Surgical cosmetology, Basis of Private Medical Practice in
Kyiv Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
President of Ukrainian Plastic Surgeons Association ( Kyiv, Ukraine)
2017 | Head of Medical Center of Care, Education and Scientific Activity “Ukrainian Academy of Plastic Surgery”, Kyiv, Ukraine. - Initialization of new types of education process for doctors, who want to enhance their qualification in certain fields of plastic surgery - Enhancing of UAPS cooperation with international plastic surgery societies to precise regulated system formation that would perfome doctors' education monitoring and surgical practice regulation |
2017 | Head of Medical Center for aesthetic, wellness and spa “Perfecto Room”, Kyiv, Ukraine. - Effective clinical and technical basis management organization - Strategy development, expansion of service market, involment of additional incomes, for projected economic growth and separation of competitive environment |
September 2006-September 2007 | Plastic surgeon-consultant, “Medical Club” Private Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Kyiv, Ukraine.
2001 | Plastic surgeon, the “Vizit-cosmetic” Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Kyiv, Ukraine. - Plastic surgeon-consultant |
May 1999 | Resident Plastic surgeon, Center of Aesthetic Surgery, National Medical University, Kyiv Ukraine |
May 1997 | Resident surgeon, the VIRTUS Clinic of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, Odessa State University, Odessa, Ukraine. Plastic surgeon-consultant |
May 1996 | Resident Surgeon, Surgical Hospital, National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine.
November 2019 | 3P (Procedure Proficiency Program )- an advanced hands-on workshop for surgeons of the highest category on “Lipo-abdominoplasty”. Bangkok, Thailand |
September 2019 | The 8th Annual Congress of the World Association of Cosmetic Surgeons, Speaker on the topics: "Problems in correlation of real and visual effects. Personality Surgery / Rhinoplasty / Systemic Approach to Complex Facial Rejuvenation / Face-lifting /. London, UK |
24-28 Mar. 2017 | The 9th International Milano Masterclass, Milan, Italy. Prof. Paolo Castelnuovo, M.D., Prof. Pietro Palma, M.D. Auspices: European Academy Of Facial Plastic Surgery, European Rhino logic Society, Italian Academy Of Rhinology, Italian Association Of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Italian ORL Association Of Facial Plastic Surgery |
18-19 Mar. 2017 | Istanbul Hands-on-Cadaver Course organized by the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe, Istanbul, Turkey. |
9-11 Feb. 2017 | 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting, the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery |
Nov.-Dec. 2016 | Thematic advanced training “Extremity Plastic Surgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine. |
May-Jun. 2016 | Thematic advanced training “Truncal Plastic Surgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine. |
Sep.-Dec. 2016 | Specialty “Dental Surgery”, Ukrainian military-medical academy, Kiev, Ukraine. |
Nov.-Dec. 2015 | Thematic advanced training “Breast Plastic Surgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine. |
Oct.-Nov. 2015 | Thematic advanced training “Minimally Invasive Techniques in Plastic Surgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine. |
Apr.-Jul. 2014 | Specialty “Oncosurgery”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine. |
20-21 Feb. 2014 | Extreme Live Surgery Arena Course, Prof. Paulo Castelnuovo, Prof. Pietro Palma, Varese, Italy. |
Sep. 2013 -Jan. 2014 | Specialty “Otolaryngology”, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine. |
Jan. 2012 | Advanced Facial Rejuvenation, Prof. Peter Grossman, Los-Angeles, USA. |
Nov. 2010 | Individual professional improvement course «Esthetical breast surgery», Prof. Per Heden, Akademikliniken, Stockholm, Sweden. |
Jan. 2008 | 4-th International Course of Septoplasty – Rhinoplasty, (Linz, Austria), organized by the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery. |
2005-2007 | International Institute of Business (IIB). President: Alexander V. Mertens, Ph.D., Program: Executive Business Administration Degree awarded Master of Business Administration (MBA). |
Apr. 2003-Nov.2006 |
Feb. 2000 | Course of Facial Plastic Surgery Techniques, London University College, Institute of Laryngology and Otiatric in association with The Royal National ENT Hospital; Gray’s Inn Road, London, England. Head of Department: Tony Wright. |
Feb. 2000 | Course of Nasal Plastic Surgery, London University College, Institute of Laryngology and Otiatric in association with The Royal National ENT Hospital; Gray’s Inn Road, London, England. Head of Department: Tony Wright. |
May 1999 | Course of Rhinoplasty by Prof. Monasterio; Course of Ageing Face Surgery by Prof. McKenny, Uagellonski University, Krakow, Poland. |
Jan.-Feb. 1999 | Professional Improvement Course “Dental Surgery”,Dept. of Maxillofacial Surgery, P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine. |
Dec. 1998 | Rhinoplasty Update, the Royal College of Surgeons of England, London, England (Course Supervisor: Mr. Charles East). |
Jan. 1997 | Course of Modern Functional End nasal Surgery - by Profs. Kozlov & Pshenisnov; Center of Micro endoscopic Otorhinolaryngology, Yaroslavl, Russia. |
Feb. 1996 | 1st Educational Course of Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (by Prof. Hinderer), EURAPS, ISPRAS, Moscow, Russia. |
Jun. 1997 | Internship in surgery at the Chair of Faculty Surgery No 1, the Bohomolets Ukrainian National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Jun. 1995 | Honors Diploma in specialty “General Medicine” from the National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine |
Nov. 2006 | Degree of a Doctor of Medical Sciences (specialty 14.01.03 – Surgery) by the decision of the Highest Qualification Board of Ukraine. Dissertation: “Pathogenetic aspects of the age-related face and neck aesthetical changes, substantiation of comprehensive treatment and the methods of preventing complications” |
Feb. 1999 | Degree of a Candidate of Medical Sciences (specialty 14.01.03 - Surgery) by the decision of the Highest Qualification Board of Ukraine. Dissertation: “Criteria of diagnosing the degree of severity of endogenic intoxication and predicting the course of postoperative period in geriatric patients with acute cholecystitis” |
Member of All-Ukrainian Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons |
Physician Member in the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery |
Full Member of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery |
Full Member of the Rhinoplasty Society of Europe |
87 personal journal publications |
4 monographs in co-authorship |
22 licenses for new methods of experimental surgery
SURGICAL ACTIVITY ; 14090 - successfully trained 8 medical basis
Ukrainian, Russian, English, German |
| |
PERSONAL FEATURES ; Focused, innovator, creativity, high personal organisation, sociability, responsiveness, rapid problem solution, stress sustainable, high imact, achieve the goals in short time, high personal motivation
| |
Married, parenting 3 sons, spouse – top crisis manager
INTERESTS AND HOBBIES Reading, education, couching, travelling
PROFESSIONAL CREDO Not face, body correction, but recovery of patients’ psychological health and life quality improving – is primary aim of plastic surgery
Clinical surgery. – 1996. №2
Part 3, Treatment // Сlinical surgery №1, 1998.
Kyiv. – 2006. – P. 125-127
Women’s health. – 2006. № 3. – P. 211-215.
Reasons, prophylaxis and treatment of deformations of overhead lip after one-sided cheyloplasty // Plastic and reparative surgery. – Kyiv. – 2004.
Materials of the first scientific-practically conference „Actual question of plastic, reparative and aesthetically beautiful surgery”. Kyiv. – 2002. P. 199–200
License № 37070 А from April 16, 2001.
License № 37071 А from October 12, 2000.