Лучшие специалисты по оздоровлению и долголетию в Испании – ТОП-3 доктора

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Фахад Мавлюд
Евгений Блюм
  • Новое
  • 52 года опыта
  • Испания, Марбелья, Клиника восстановительной медицины доктора Блюма
  • Специалист по биомеханике и реабилитации
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Екатерина Усс
  • Новое
  • 9 лет опыта
  • Испания, Валенсия, Хаб Гармонии и ретрит-центры "Путь к себе"
  • Тренер по естественному оздоровлению и фейсплатике, косметолог, оператор саморегуляции, консультант по эфирным маслам.

    Екатерина Усс

    Владеет широким спектром инструментов для коррекции: дисфункций, гармонизации постуры, пропорций тела и лица, внутренней настройки на выздоровление и молодость, физических травм, послеоперационных шрамов, кожных заболеваний.

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Хавьер Морено Исарра
  • 4.8 Отлично 3 отзыва
  • 23 года опыта
  • Испания, Марбелья, Клиника Киронсалуд Марбелья (Quirónsalud Marbella)
  • An expert in microbial resistance and optimisation of the use of antimicrobials, he leads the Infectious Disease Unit of this hospital in Malaga.

    Dr Javier Moreno Izarra is habitually involved in national and international scientific events. At the same time, he gives presentations that are specially focused on infectious disease in the area of antimicrobial resistance and in medical forums dedicated to the development of programs to optimise the use of antimicrobials.

    Professional Experience:

    • Head of the Internal Medicine Unit. Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital

    • Head of the Internal Medicine Unit. Quirón Campo de Gibraltar Hospital

    • Specialist of the Internal Medicine Unit. Alto Guadalquivir Hospital

    • Specialist of the Internal Medicine Unit. Andújar Hospital

    • Medical Coordination of the A&E Unit and Hospitalisation. High- resolution Hospital in Puente Genil

    • Specialist of the Internal Medicine Unit. Costa del Sol Hospital

    A member of:

    • Spanish Society of Internal Medicine

    • Spanish Society of Infectious Disease and Clinical Microbiology

    • Spanish Society of Palliative Care


    The Internal Medicine speciality is a branch of medicine that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and conditions of adult patients. Internists of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital are experts in the comprehensive health care of their patients as they manage a broad range of medical conditions. The team of specialists of our Marbella hospital stands out for its comp rehensive approach and deep knowledge and skills relating to chronic disease. Their objective is to provide a high-quality medical service while guiding the patient and coordinating the actions against their diseases in close cooperation with the other specialists, if necessary, in order to obtain an adequate diagnosis and treatment. One fundamental part of the work of an internist is the management of chronical diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart and lung disease, amongst others.

    These conditions often require follow-ups and adjustments to the treatment throughout time.

    The Internal Medicine team does not only focus on the treatment of diseases, but also on their prevention. Internists work with their patients to identify the risk factors and promote healthy habits. 

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