Доктор Жорди Коромина Исерн - признанный отоларинголог с более чем 30-летним опытом. Он специализируется на ЛОР-заболеваниях и владеет разнообразными хирургическими методиками, включая установку кохлеарных имплантатов, септопластику, тонзиллэктомию, тимпанопластику и устранение расщелин губы или нёба. Доктор Коромина удостоен наград Испанского общества отоларингологии и Каталонского общества пульмонологии. Он также известен использованием передовых технологий, таких как лазер и робот Da Vinci, в своей практике.
Специализация по отологической хирургии и отоневрологии:
- ЛОР-патология у взрослых
- Лечение патологии слуха
- Реконструкция барабанной перепонки
- Нейросенсорная тугоухость
Доктор окончил факультет медицины и хирургии в Центральном университете Венесуэлы. Кроме того, доктор получил степень по биологии в Университете Вилланова (США).
Специалист по оториноларингологии (Больница Варгас Каракаса).
Специалист в области отологической хирургии и отоневрологии. Гарсиа Ибаньес Отология, Институт Центра оториноларингологии.
В настоящее время совмещает свою практику в Медицинском центре Текнон с работает специалистом-оториноларингологом в C.E.M в Вилассар-де-Мар.
Профессиональный опыт:
2016: Оториноларинголог, Centro Medico Game, Сант-Бой-де-Льобрегат.
2016: Оториноларинголог, CORL Gran Via, Барселона.
2010: Оториноларинголог, Медицинский центр Текнон, Барселона.
1996: Врач-оториноларинголог, Медицинский центр Текнон, отделение неотложной помощи.
1996-2016: Врач-оториноларинголог, больница Дельфос, отделение неотложной и неотложной помощи, Барселона.
1996–2015: Оториноларинголог, Клиника дель Ремей, отделение неотложной помощи, Барселона.
1997: Оториноларинголог, CEM Вилассар де Мар.
1993–1995 годы: врач-оториноларинголог, поликлиника Барселоны.
During this time, he published the first European report on the advantages of injection snoreplasty to treat sleep respiratory disorders; and in 2006 he was the first doctor to place a soft palate in Spain. He is also the author of the first app in the world used for the treatment of sleep apnoea through telemedicine.
Dr O'Connor is the President of the Spanish Commission of the Spanish Society of Respiratory Disorders. He is also a member of the European Sleep Research, the American Otorhinolaryngology Academy, the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society, Ibero-American Otorhinolaryngology Society and Andalusian Otorhinolaryngology Society.
Professional Experience
• Lecturer in Otorhinolaryngology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Seville.
• Co-Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit of the Quironsalud Marbella Hospital and Quironsalud Campo de Gibraltar Hospital since 2006.
• First European report on the use of injection snoreplasty to treat sleep respiratory disorders in 2005.
• First soft palate implant in Spain and first publication in the country on this area of medicine (2006).
• Author of the first manuscript on the use of radiofrequency to treat hypertrophy of nasal turbinates in paediatric patients in sleep respiratory disorders.
• Author of the first lateral pharyngoplasty in Europe 2010.
• Author of the first expansion pharyngoplasty in Spain in 2010.
• First doctor in Spain to introduce myofunctional therapy in a sleep unit in order to treat obstructive sleep apnoea.
• Author of the first app in the world used to treat sleep apnoea through telemedicine.
• International revisor of papers about sleep respiratory disorders in Laryngoscope, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Plos One, Nature and Science of Sleep, International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Spanish Acta ORL, Stockholm Acta ORL.
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and head and neck surgery are a medico-surgical speciality dealing with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the pathologies affecting the ear (hearing and balance), the upper airways (nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx), sense of smell, oral cavity, neck and salivary glands.
The ENT Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital comprises a team of outstanding specialists in this medical field, who are a reference at national and international level, on account of their research work, implementation and development of avant-garde techniques, as well as regular publications in highly-influential scientific journals.
Dr Casado Morente is a permanent member of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society and Cervical-Facial Pathology, as well as being a member of the Committee for the revision of scientific articles of said society. Since 2013 he has been the Co-Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital.
He is a prestigious specialist of reference in the field of voice pitch change (voice feminisation and masculinisation). He is a frequent participant in a number of congresses as a speaker, national and international courses, as well as producing numerous reports in congresses.
Professional Experience
• Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit at the Quirónsalud MarbellaHospital.
• Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit at the Quirónsalud Campo de Gibraltar Hospital.
• Member of the Committee for the revision of scientific articles of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society (SEORL in its Spanish abbreviation) and Cervical-Facial Pathology (PCF in its Spanish abbreviation).
• President of the Commission of Laryngology ,Voice and Deglutition of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society (SEORL, in its Spanish abbreviation) and Cervical-Facial Pathology (PCF in its Spanish abbreviation).
• Professor of the University Official Master Degree "Voice and Language Disorders at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM in its Spanish abbreviation).
• Honorary Cooperating Lecturer at the Malaga University (UMA, in its Spanish abbreviation).
• Vice-president of the Costa del Sol International Medical Academy (IMA, in its Spanish abbreviation).
• Founding Member of the International Association of Trans Voice Surgeons (IATVS) in Berlin, 2022 (jointly with 8 other surgeons from other parts of the world who specialise in voice pitch change: voice feminisation and masculinisation.
Book Publications:
• Clinical Assessment of the Voice. Medical and Speech Therapy Fundamentals. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado and José Antonio Adrián.
• Manual for the Laryngectomised Patient. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and José Antonio Adrián Torres
• Voice Disorders. From Diagnosis to Treatment. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and Agustín Pérez Izquierdo
• Voice Feminisation. A Mutidisciplinary Approach in Transgender Women. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and Enrique Maraví Aznar.
Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and head and neck surgery are a medico-surgical speciality dealing with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the pathologies affecting the ear (hearing and balance), the upper airways (nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx), sense of smell, oral cavity, neck and salivary glands.
The ENT Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital comprises a team of outstanding specialists in this medical field, who are a reference at national and international level, on account of their research work, implementation and development of avant-garde techniques, as well as regular publications in highly-influential scientific journals.
Dr Romero Imbroda is an academic of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Eastern Andalusia and a Fellow of the European Board of Neurology, as well as a Member of the Board of Directors of the
Andalusian Society of Neurology. He combines his medical practice with his teaching role at the University of Granada, where he is a Lecturer and has been a Member of the Internal Residential Doctor Assessment Committee in Melilla until 2017.
He is the author of several national and international scientific publications. He has also participated in research projects associated with treatments for multiple sclerosis.
Professional Experience:
• 2020: President of the Andalusian Society of Neurology
• 2019: Head of the Units at the Quirónsalud Malaga and Marbella Hospitals
• 2017-2021: Neurologist at the Regional Malaga University Hospital.
• 2016-2017: Lecturer at the University of Granada.
• 2009-2017: Neurologist at the Imbrain Neuroscience Clinic. Melilla.
• 2009-2017: Neurologist at the Melilla Hospital.
• 2008-2009: Neurologist at the Virgen de las Nieves Hospital. Granada.
• 2004-2008: Neurologist at the Carlos Haya Hospital. Malaga.
Academic Training:
• 2017: Innovation and Leadership in Neurology. Business Institute. Madrid.
• 2014: Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. United States.
• 2011-2012: Management of Integrated Health Services. ESADE. Madrid.
• 2010: Neurologists for the Future. Spanish Neurology Society.
• 2010: Master in Tissue Engineering. University of Granada.
• 2010: Doctorate at the University of Granada. Summa Cum Laude. 2010.
• 2004-2008: Neurology specialist at the Carlos Haya Hospital. Malaga.
• 1997-2003: University Graduate in Medicine at the University of Granada.
The Neurology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital specialises in the study and treatment of conditions associated to the nervous system, the brain, the spinal cord, the peripheral nerves and the muscles. We have the most advanced technology that enables us to make accurate and personalised diagnoses and treatments in the study of patients with complex diagnoses and treatments (MRI, CT scan,electroencephalogram, transacranial doppler ultrasound, cerebral arteriogramand neuropschycological testing).
We offer our patients highly-specialised treatments for cerebrovascular and neuromuscular diseases, Parkinson's Disease, headaches and migraine, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathies, infections of the nervous system, movement disorders, dementia and other cognitive conditions, paediatric neurology, sleep disorders, tumours and complications deriving from injuries to the spine and the head.
Профессиональный опыт
С 2006 года возглавляет отделение неврологии в университетской больнице Киронсалуд Мадрида и больнице Рубера Хуана Браво.
Профессор медицины факультета биомедицинских наук Европейского университета Мадрида, имеет национальную аккредитацию профессора медицинских наук (выданную ANECA).
Доктор медицины Мадридского университета Комплутенсе (UCM). Премия за выдающуюся докторскую диссертацию (UCM, 2004 г.): Исследование связи вируса герпеса человека 6 как фактора окружающей среды, вызывающего рассеянный склероз.
Членство в научных обществах
Национальный и международный главный исследователь в области нейронаук в Quironsalud Madrid (июнь 2015 г. – настоящее время)
Президент исследовательской комиссии Университетской больницы Киронсалуд Мадрид (с 2012 г. по настоящее время).
Член исследовательской комиссии клинической больницы Сан-Карлос (2012-2015).
Член совета медицинского факультета Мадридского университета Комплутенсе (2011-2015).
Исследования и преподавание
Главный исследователь 100 национальных и международных клинических исследований.
7 исследовательских проектов FIS от Института здравоохранения Карлоса III (последние 5 в качестве главного исследователя).
10 проектов от частных фондов, полученных на конкурсной основе (7 в качестве главного исследователя).
Он написал 139 международных статей с общим импакт-фактором 949 917 и 4552 цитирования. 38 книг и глав книг с фактором H=34 (2018 г.).
Его публикации выделяются в журналах, оказывающих наибольшее глобальное влияние на исследования, таких как New England Journal of Medicine и Lancet.
Доктор Рафаэль Арройо выступил с более чем 300 международными и национальными сообщениями на различных Конгрессах.
Профессор медицины на факультете биомедицинских наук Европейского университета Мадрида и имеет национальную аккредитацию профессора медицинских наук (выданную ANECA).