Лучшие доктора по Слинговая (петлевая) операция в Испании – ТОП-6 докторов

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Фахад Мавлюд
Хавьер Ромеро Отеро
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  • 25 лет опыта
  • Испания, Мадрид, Клиника HM Sanchinarro (Санчинарро)
  • Доктор Ромеро-Отеро является высокоспециализированным врачом в области патологии предстательной железы, андрологии и реконструктивной хирургии генитальной области. Он профессор Мадридского университета Комплутенсе, директор HM Hospitales в Мадриде и медицинский директор ROC Global Health. Он является руководителем научно-исследовательской группы в области комплексного мужского здоровья и опубликовал более 70 научных статей в проиндексированных опубликованных журналах. Он также является членом редколлегии нескольких специализированных журналов и занимал различные ответственные должности в научных ассоциациях по своей специальности.
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Жозеп Торремаде Баррера
  • 4.7 Отлично 409 отзывов
  • 17 лет опыта
  • Испания, Барселона, Клиника Текнон
  • Клинический опыт

    Резиденция по специальности урология Bellvitge University Hospital (2007 / 2012)

    Врач-уролог Bellvitge University Hospital. (Май 2012/Ноябрь 2021)

    Глава отделения андрологии Bellvitge University Hospital. (февраль 2015/ноябрь 2021)

    Глава отделения андрологии Hospital Clínic of Barcelona (декабрь 2021 н.в.)

    Директор Института Андрологии и Сексологии. Quironsalud Group. (октябрь 2015 январь 2018).

    Глава отделения андрологии Teknon Medical Centre (ноябрь 2017 н.в.)

    Редактор International Journal of Andrology (июль 2016 н.в)

    Клиническая практика в области Репродуктивной медицины и Сексологии Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. New York City (USA) (Март 2016 Май 2016)



    Доктор Медицины (Universitat de Barcelona) степень с отличием, 2006

    Специализация в области урологии Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, 2006 2012

    Доцент клинической андрологии (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), 2014

    Участиник European Board of Urology (Bruselas UEMS), 2012

    Участник European Committee of Sexual Medicine (Estambul UEMS), 2014

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Антонио Фернандес Олива
  • 4.7 Отлично 409 отзывов
  • 15 лет опыта
  • Испания, Барселона, Клиника Текнон
  • Dr. Fernandez Oliva с отличием закончил Медицинский факультет Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, специальность Медицина и Хирургия.

    Окончил резидентиуру по специализации Акушерство и Гинекология в Hospital de la Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona.

    Доктор совмещает клиническую практику с постоянным обучением и научной работой.

    Преподаватель Медицинской Академии CTO.


    Участник курсов и конгрессов:

    - Конгресс European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy (ESGE), 2015

    - Курс медицинской генетики и медицины плода, Societat Catalana d’Obstetricia i Ginecologia, Barcelona 2015

    - Курс роботизированной и лапароскопической хирургии, Hospital Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona 2016

    - Конгресс Sociedad Española de Ginecología y Obstetricia (SEGO), 2017.

    Актуальные направления научных исследований:

    - Предотвращение преэклампсии на ранних этапах беременности

    - Иммунологическое взаимодействие организма матери и плода

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Наварро Вильчес
  • 4.8 Отлично 3 отзыва
  • 13 лет опыта
  • Испания, Марбелья, Клиника Киронсалуд Марбелья (Quirónsalud Marbella)
  • He graduated in Medicine at the Malaga University and specialised in Urology at the Carlos Haya Hospital in the same province.

    He travelled to the United States in 2012 for a study stay at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centre in New York. Specifically, at the Oncology Unit leaded by Dr Karim Touijer.

    Years later, he consolidated his training with specialist courses in lower urinary tract surgery, advanced renal surgery, urinary incontinence and pelvic floor surgery, male urology surgery at the Cardenal Herrera University in Valencia and a Master in the Update of Urologic Surgery at the Cardenal Herrera University.

    Professional Experience

    • Urology Consultant at the Poniente Hospital 2016.

    • Urology Consultant in Área Sanitaria Norte 2016-2017

    • Urology Consultant. Carlos Haya Hospital, Malaga 2017-2020.

    • Member of the Renal Transplant Unit of the Carlos Haya Hospital, Malaga 2017-2020.

    • Co-founder of the Urologic Surgery Institute of Malaga 2019

    • Head of the Urology Unit at the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital 2019- currently

    Scientific/ research activities

    • Clinical Mentor of medical students of the Faculty of Medicine of Malaga. 2016-2020

    • Author of multiple articles for national and international journals, contributions and editor of the “Manual of Basic Urologic Pathologies in Primary Care and A&E”.


    The Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital Urology Unit deals with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the conditions affecting the urinary system, the suprarenal glands and the retroperitoneum of both male and female patients, as well as the male reproductive system.

    The team of experts and the nursing team in this Unit have vast expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of the various pathologies treated by this speciality.

    We cover all the medical, preventative and surgical aspects in order to offer early detection, an adequate diagnosis and an accurate treatment. Our main objective is to offer the highest quality in humane treatment and scientific knowledge with a clear and decisive vocation of patient service.

    The Urology Unit performs its activities at the A&E Unit (helping with any urologic emergency 24 hours a day and 365 days a year) and at the Outpatient Consultations Unit (helping patients with an appointment from Monday to Friday, morning and afternoon)

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Исабель Мария Бланко Ерраес
  • 4.8 Отлично 3 отзыва
  • 21 год опыта
  • Испания, Марбелья, Клиника Киронсалуд Марбелья (Quirónsalud Marbella)
  • An expert in the comprehensive care of women, she specialised in medical care projects focusing on the Humanised Childbirth Program and the development and promotion of low-intervention obstetric care.

    She is currently the Head of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital. She has promoted the implementation of a specific protocol for Humanised C-section in this hospital to ensure the active participation of women in the arrival of their babies and a childbirth plan that is similar to natural childbirth.

    Dr Blanco Herráez has also promoted the implementation of the current Multidisciplinary Breast Unit, the objective of which is the management of breast cancer, both from the preventative and the early detection points of view, as well as the diagnosis, treatment, follow-up and functional and psychological recovery of patients.



    - Son Espases Mallorca Hospital, Palma de Mallorca | 05/2007 - 05/2011 Resident Doctor in the Gynaecology speciality.

    - Madrid Complutense University, Madrid 09/2000 - 06/2006. Medicine


    Working Experience

    - Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital- Head of the Gynaecology and Obstetrics Unit | 04/2022 – Currently

    - Fundación Jimenez Díaz University Hospital- Obstetrics and Gynaecology Consultant | 06/2011 - 04/2022

    - Fundación Jimenez Díaz University Hospital -Teaching Obstetrics and Gynaecology Residents 06/2012- 06/2014.

    - Fundación Jimenez Díaz University Hospital - Cooperating Teacher 06/2016- 06/2022


    - Member of the Madrid Professional Medical Association since June 2011.

    - Member of the Spanish Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology since October 2008.

    - Member of the Spanish Society of Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy since 2011.


    The primary objective of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital is to provide a high-quality comprehensive care service to women and their health issues at any of their life stages. Specially, issues deriving from pregnancy, childbirth and the post childbirth stage, as well as any matters relating to the female organs and reproductive functions.

    A highly-qualified multidisciplinary team that positions each patient at the core in order to ensure the provision of a professional and personalised service adapted to the health needs and expectations of women. Besides, an early diagnosis and treatment customised to each personal circumstance, the promotion of health and the prevention of disease are at the core of the work of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit.

    Efficiency, innovation, the use of new technologies and digitalisation are differential factors of the care service provided by the over 30 health professionals (doctors, nurses, assistant nurses and midwives) who make up the team of this speciality.

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Ян Мациевский
Руководитель команды врачей-координаторов