Юлия Достер
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- Турция, Бурса, Dr. Yulia Doster Gynecology and Genital Aesthetic Surgery Clinic
Yuliya Doster Clinic was founded by Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist Yuliya Doster MD in Bursa, in 2017 Setting out with the principle of happy and healthy women, Yuliya Doster MD deals with all female patients who apply not only from Bursa, but also from various parts of the country and abroad. Acting with the priority of patient confidentiality, safety and health, Yuliya Doster Clinic; It provides services on gynecological health in Bursa with its friendly staff, relevant and experienced nurse staff, numerous trainings received throughout his professional life, and obstetrics and gynecology that has succeeded in raising the bar of gynecology science.
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