Платформа №1 по лечению за рубежом с 2014 года

Лучшие урологи по Биоидентичная заместительная гормональная терапия в Чехии – ТОП-2 доктора

Контент соответствует редакционной политике Bookimed и его качество проверил
Фахад Мавлюд - Врач общей практики, лауреат 4 конкурсов научных работ молодых ученых. Работал на Среднем Востоке. Бывший руководитель команды англоязычных и арабоязычных врачей-координаторов. Сейчас занимается анализом данных и выступает медицинским редактором сайта.
Ханна Яндикова
16 лет опыта
Чехия, Прага
Клиника My Clinic

Ханна Яндикова

16 лет опыта

Both fields attracted me already at the high school. My enthusiasm also lasted during my studies at the 1st Faculty of Medicine at the Charles University. After graduating from the university, I joined the Institute of Endocrinology in Prague. At the same time I trained at the Third Internal Clinic of the General University Hospital in Prague. Both institutions are highly specialized centres with a wide range of diagnoses. I had the best teachers. I very much appreciate the two foreign experiences, the internship at the University Clinic in Düsseldorf and at the St. Barts Clinic in London. In 2013, I defended my Ph.D. and after a short maternity break, I successfully passed the attestation in 2015.

Work is also my hobby. I follow the latest trends and participate in both domestic and foreign congresses and seminars.

I assess clients individually, I rely on a calm and friendly approach, a thorough case history, the search for connections and a comprehensive view.

In endocrinology, I monitor the state of hormones (chemical messengers) that are produced by the endocrine glands and circulate in the blood to regulate a large number of bodily functions. The disease comes when the production of a particular hormone is too high or too low. Furthermore, the field of endocrinology includes the care of reduced bone density - osteopenia or osteoporosis.

When caring for diabetic patients, the most important thing for a diabetic is to understand what is going on in his/her body and what results a good lifestyle and treatment might bring. I am open to discussions about various dietary measures, I try to motivate positively and to find the right solution for everyone individually, so that we can reach the target glycemic range.


2003 – 2009

Charles University, 1st Faculty of Medicine, General Medicine 

2009 – 2013

Postgraduate study of the 1st Faculty of Medicine at the Charles University at the Institute of Endocrinology

Topic: Neurosteroids in Endocrine Regulation

Supervisor: prof.  Karel Vondra, MD, DrSc.

Trainer-consultant:  Michaela Dušková, MD, PhD.


Attestation in the field of Diabetology and Endocrinology

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Пакетная цена "Все включено"
Сахарный диабет 2 типа
$11000 $9000
Петра Гласова
Семейный врач
14 лет опыта
Чехия, Прага
Клиника My Clinic

Петра Гласова

Семейный врач
14 лет опыта

Employment and experience


Military University Hospital Prague
Medical First Aid Service


Hygeia s.r.o.
Medical practice of MUDr. Zita Čermáková
General practitioner


Poliklinika IPP, s.r.o. (formerly The Clinic Medical s.r.o.)
General practitioner in a facility providing premium medical care


University Hospital Královské Vinohrady, Department of Occupational and Travel Medicine
General practitioner, occupational outpatient care, treatment of occupational diseases, and travel medicine

First Department of Internal Medicine
Physician in the patient processing centre of departments of internal medicine and medical emergency service


Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine
Teaching assistant, teaching courses under bachelor's and master's programs in Czech and English


Bulovka Hospital, Department of Forensic Medicine
Physician, emergency medical service for the Police of the Czech Republic




Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany (Erasmus programme)
General Medicine
Academic title: "MUDr."  ("doctor of medicine")


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