Я выпускник медицинского факультета Варшавского медицинского университета. С 2015 года работаю старшим ассистентом в Клинике ортопедии и ревмоортопедии больницы CMKP имени проф. А. Груцы в Отвоцке, а с 2018 года — научным сотрудником Медицинского центра последипломного образования в Варшаве. Профессиональный опыт приобретала в отечественных и зарубежных центрах. Проходила стажировки и участвовала в многочисленных курсах в Финляндии, Нидерландах, Германии, Италии и Великобритании. Владею польским и английским языками.
Основные области моих интересов включают в себя в основном эндопротезирование коленного и тазобедренного суставов, осложнения после эндопротезирования, перипротезные инфекции, реконструктивные процедуры в коленном суставе, включая артроскопические процедуры и корригирующие остеотомии большеберцовой кости (например, HTO, остеотомии бугристости большеберцовой кости), а также хирургическое лечение невропатий: синдром запястного канала, синдром локтевого нерва. Я являюсь автором и соавтором многочисленных публикаций.
Читать подробнееЯ выпускник медицинского факультета Варшавского медицинского университета. С 2015 года работаю старшим ассистентом в Клинике ортопедии и ревмоортопедии больницы CMKP имени проф. А. Груцы в Отвоцке, а с 2018 года — научным сотрудником Медицинского центра последипломного образования в Варшаве. Профессиональный опыт приобретала в отечественных и зарубежных центрах. Проходила стажировки и участвовала в многочисленных курсах в Финляндии, Нидерландах, Германии, Италии и Великобритании. Владею польским и английским языками.
Основные области моих интересов включают в себя в основном эндопротезирование коленного и тазобедренного суставов, осложнения после эндопротезирования, перипротезные инфекции, реконструктивные процедуры в коленном суставе, включая артроскопические процедуры и корригирующие остеотомии большеберцовой кости (например, HTO, остеотомии бугристости большеберцовой кости), а также хирургическое лечение невропатий: синдром запястного канала, синдром локтевого нерва. Я являюсь автором и соавтором многочисленных публикаций.
My interests include all dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system in athletes, as well as pediatric orthopedics and traumatology. I accept children from 3 years of age. I regularly participate in conferences and training abroad. Since 2010, I have been working continuously at the Carolina Medical Center in Warsaw, and since 2017 as a senior assistant at the Hand Surgery Clinic of the University Clinical Hospital in Łódź. In my career, I have treated many competitors and professional athletes. Education 2003 – 2010 1st Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw;
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My interests include all dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system in athletes, as well as pediatric orthopedics and traumatology. I accept children from 3 years of age. I regularly participate in conferences and training abroad. Since 2010, I have been working continuously at the Carolina Medical Center in Warsaw, and since 2017 as a senior assistant at the Hand Surgery Clinic of the University Clinical Hospital in Łódź. In my career, I have treated many competitors and professional athletes. Education 2003 – 2010 1st Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw;
I am a specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System.
For 7 years I have been cooperating with the Junior High School Youth Sports Training Centre in Lublin, taking care of young football school students. At the same time, I work closely with the players of the Górnik Łęczna football club. In 2018, I completed a prestigious internship in the field of traumatology of the musculoskeletal system at Landeskrankenhaus-Universitätsklinikum Graz, where, under the supervision of the best specialists, I improved my surgical skills in the treatment of musculoskeletal system injuries. I participate in many conferences and trainings both in Poland and abroad. I am actively involved in scientific development, which is manifested in scientific cooperation with the Lublin University of Technology in the development and testing of innovative medical devices. In everyday life, I am an active athlete, by which I mean the need for quick and effective treatment for both professional and amateur athletes. Since 2014, I have had the qualifications of a ski instructor at the PI level, and since 2003, the qualifications of a WOPR rescuer. Education Medical University of Lublin 2018 Obtaining the title of doctor of medical sciences Medical Examination Center 2017 Specialist in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system Distinctions: 12th result in Poland Medical University of Lublin 2003 – 2009 medical doctor Distinctions: average for the entire course of studies 4.27
Читать подробнееI am a specialist in Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Musculoskeletal System.
For 7 years I have been cooperating with the Junior High School Youth Sports Training Centre in Lublin, taking care of young football school students. At the same time, I work closely with the players of the Górnik Łęczna football club. In 2018, I completed a prestigious internship in the field of traumatology of the musculoskeletal system at Landeskrankenhaus-Universitätsklinikum Graz, where, under the supervision of the best specialists, I improved my surgical skills in the treatment of musculoskeletal system injuries. I participate in many conferences and trainings both in Poland and abroad. I am actively involved in scientific development, which is manifested in scientific cooperation with the Lublin University of Technology in the development and testing of innovative medical devices. In everyday life, I am an active athlete, by which I mean the need for quick and effective treatment for both professional and amateur athletes. Since 2014, I have had the qualifications of a ski instructor at the PI level, and since 2003, the qualifications of a WOPR rescuer. Education Medical University of Lublin 2018 Obtaining the title of doctor of medical sciences Medical Examination Center 2017 Specialist in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system Distinctions: 12th result in Poland Medical University of Lublin 2003 – 2009 medical doctor Distinctions: average for the entire course of studies 4.27