Хирургическое удаление зуба/ корня зуба
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Хирургическое удаление зуба/ корня зуба
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Лучшие стоматологи по хирургическому удалению зуба/ корня зуба в Польше – ТОП-3 доктора

Контент соответствует редакционной политике Bookimed и его качество проверил
Фахад Мавлюд - Врач общей практики, лауреат 4 конкурсов научных работ молодых ученых. Работал на Среднем Востоке. Бывший руководитель команды англоязычных и арабоязычных врачей-координаторов. Сейчас занимается анализом данных и выступает медицинским редактором сайта.
Орест Штука
27 лет опыта
Польша, Варшава
The Dental Concept by RIKOTA

Орест Штука

27 лет опыта

Since 2003, he has been a lecturer in implantology, bone augmentation and mucogingival surgery.

Author of numerous practical courses and reports on the basics of periodontology, implantology, bone and soft tissue grafting.

Member of the Coordination Council on Stomatology under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

More than 12000 successful operations in the areas of oral surgery, implantology, periodontology, mucogingival surgery.


Vice President of the National Union of Dentists of Ukraine

co-founder and member of the Board of the Ukrainian Academy of Periodontology

organizer of the first in Ukraine and milestone Biennial Congress of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP) in 2011

initiator of scientific programs for young specialists from Ukraine in Switzerland and Spain.

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Since 2003, he has been a lecturer in implantology, bone augmentation and mucogingival surgery.

Author of numerous practical courses and reports on the basics of periodontology, implantology, bone and soft tissue grafting.

Member of the Coordination Council on Stomatology under the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

More than 12000 successful operations in the areas of oral surgery, implantology, periodontology, mucogingival surgery.


Vice President of the National Union of Dentists of Ukraine

co-founder and member of the Board of the Ukrainian Academy of Periodontology

organizer of the first in Ukraine and milestone Biennial Congress of the International Academy of Periodontology (IAP) in 2011

initiator of scientific programs for young specialists from Ukraine in Switzerland and Spain.

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Dr Barbara Sobczak
18 лет опыта

Dr Barbara Sobczak

18 лет опыта
Польша, Варшава
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