Лучшие оториноларингологи по Тонзиллэктомия – ТОП-103 доктора

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Сюлейман Хилми Йилмаз
18 лет опыта
143 отзыва
Турция, Стамбул
Клиника Хизар

Сюлейман Хилми Йилмаз

18 лет опыта

Доктор Сулейман Хильми ЙИЛМАЗ – доцент и доктор медицинских наук, родился в 1981 году. Он специализируется на заложенности и деформации носа, полипозе носа, непроходимости слезных желез, доброкачественных и злокачественных опухолях головы и шеи, раке щитовидной железы, заболеваниях миндалин и аденоидов, аденоидэктомии, тонзиллэктомия и установка ушной трубки, коррекция перегородки, эндоскопическая хирургия носовых пазух, визуализация среднего уха и слуховых косточек, хирургия поднижнечелюстной железы. Он является членом Турецкой ассоциации оториноларингологов головы и хирургии шеи, Стамбульской ассоциации специалистов ЛОР-BCC и Ассоциации основания черепа.

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Доктор Сулейман Хильми ЙИЛМАЗ – доцент и доктор медицинских наук, родился в 1981 году. Он специализируется на заложенности и деформации носа, полипозе носа, непроходимости слезных желез, доброкачественных и злокачественных опухолях головы и шеи, раке щитовидной железы, заболеваниях миндалин и аденоидов, аденоидэктомии, тонзиллэктомия и установка ушной трубки, коррекция перегородки, эндоскопическая хирургия носовых пазух, визуализация среднего уха и слуховых косточек, хирургия поднижнечелюстной железы. Он является членом Турецкой ассоциации оториноларингологов головы и хирургии шеи, Стамбульской ассоциации специалистов ЛОР-BCC и Ассоциации основания черепа.

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Виктор Меховски
19 лет опыта
53 отзыва
Польша, Варшава
Медицинский центр Каролина (Carolina Medical Center)

Виктор Меховски

19 лет опыта

The doctor specializes in the surgical treatment of ear, throat, and nose diseases:

  • Nose: Nasal septum surgery, turbinate surgery, all sinus surgeries (endoscopic sinus surgeries – FESS), removal of nasal lesions and biopsy, nasal fracture reduction.
  • Throat: Tonsillectomy, removal of throat nodules, throat biopsies, surgeries for sleep apnea/snoring (radiosurgery).
  • Ear: Paracentesis, ear surgeries (e.g., removal of ear lesions, biopsies).
  • Neck: Removal of neck cysts and tumors, biopsies of neck lesions.
  • Larynx: All laryngeal surgeries (microsurgery, directoscopy, etc.), tracheotomy (creating an opening in the trachea).
  • Emergency procedures: Nasal fracture reduction, nasal septum fracture reduction, managing nasal bleeding, nasal tamponade for hemorrhages, cauterization of vessels in nasal bleeding, incision of peritonsillar abscesses, neck abscesses, neck phlegmons, neck tumor or lymph node biopsies, tracheotomy (creating an opening in the trachea). Removal of foreign bodies from the ear, throat, or nose.
  • Ambulatory procedures: Including in children, such as tongue-tie release, etc.
  • Palliative otolaryngology procedures.


  • Graduate of the Doctoral Studies Program at the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education (CMKP) – Warsaw.
  • Specialist Diploma in Otolaryngology (Warsaw).
  • Postgraduate Studies, Pope Paul VI Institute. Certificate from Creighton University (Omaha, Nebraska, USA).
  • Postgraduate Internship at the Medical University of Warsaw.
  • Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine at Zaporozhye State Medical University (Ukraine).

Professional Experience

  • Senior Assistant Specialist at the Otolaryngology Clinic, CMKP, Brodno Hospital, Warsaw.
  • Longtime staff member and Head of Emergency ENT Services in Warsaw.
  • Specialization in Otolaryngology at the Otolaryngology Department, Bielanski Hospital, Warsaw (2004–2005).
  • Postgraduate Internship at the Medical University of Warsaw.
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The doctor specializes in the surgical treatment of ear, throat, and nose diseases:

  • Nose: Nasal septum surgery, turbinate surgery, all sinus surgeries (endoscopic sinus surgeries – FESS), removal of nasal lesions and biopsy, nasal fracture reduction.
  • Throat: Tonsillectomy, removal of throat nodules, throat biopsies, surgeries for sleep apnea/snoring (radiosurgery).
  • Ear: Paracentesis, ear surgeries (e.g., removal of ear lesions, biopsies).
  • Neck: Removal of neck cysts and tumors, biopsies of neck lesions.
  • Larynx: All laryngeal surgeries (microsurgery, directoscopy, etc.), tracheotomy (creating an opening in the trachea).
  • Emergency procedures: Nasal fracture reduction, nasal septum fracture reduction, managing nasal bleeding, nasal tamponade for hemorrhages, cauterization of vessels in nasal bleeding, incision of peritonsillar abscesses, neck abscesses, neck phlegmons, neck tumor or lymph node biopsies, tracheotomy (creating an opening in the trachea). Removal of foreign bodies from the ear, throat, or nose.
  • Ambulatory procedures: Including in children, such as tongue-tie release, etc.
  • Palliative otolaryngology procedures.


  • Graduate of the Doctoral Studies Program at the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education (CMKP) – Warsaw.
  • Specialist Diploma in Otolaryngology (Warsaw).
  • Postgraduate Studies, Pope Paul VI Institute. Certificate from Creighton University (Omaha, Nebraska, USA).
  • Postgraduate Internship at the Medical University of Warsaw.
  • Graduated with honors from the Faculty of Medicine at Zaporozhye State Medical University (Ukraine).

Professional Experience

  • Senior Assistant Specialist at the Otolaryngology Clinic, CMKP, Brodno Hospital, Warsaw.
  • Longtime staff member and Head of Emergency ENT Services in Warsaw.
  • Specialization in Otolaryngology at the Otolaryngology Department, Bielanski Hospital, Warsaw (2004–2005).
  • Postgraduate Internship at the Medical University of Warsaw.
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Celil Göçer
28 лет опыта
47 отзывов

Celil Göçer

28 лет опыта
Турция, Стамбул
Госпиталь Локман Хеким Стамбул (Lokman Hekim Istanbul)
Игорь Анурин
15 лет опыта
53 отзыва
Польша, Варшава
Медицинский центр Каролина (Carolina Medical Center)

Игорь Анурин

15 лет опыта

Igor Anurin - medical specialist (according to the qualification system of doctors in Poland and the European Union), a doctor of the highest category with seventeen years of experience in leading clinics in Warsaw. He specializes in endoscopic sinus surgery, nasal septum straightening, rhinoplasty, plastic surgery of the soft palate (treatment of snoring and sleep apnea), salivary gland tumors, treatment and diagnosis of head and neck cancer, as well as outpatient treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, Dr. Anurin is a member of the Polish Society of Otolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons. He regularly participates in international scientific and practical conferences in otorhinolaryngology. Dr. Igor Anurin lives in Warsaw. 

Currently, he is a leading surgeon in the ENT department at the Mazowiecki Bródnowski Hospital. He is the head of the emergency department and head of the resident specialization. At Mea Clinic, he conducts consultations and performs surgeries. For several years, a large group of his patients have been Russian-speaking patients. FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) is a surgical technique involving minimally invasive surgical drainage of the paranasal sinuses. It involves intranasal opening of narrow spaces responsible for the development of chronic sinusitis and for the process of their mucociliary cleansing. Mucosal overgrowths, polyps, and small bone structures occurring in functionally unfavorable anatomical variants are removed. Another goal of the FESS operation is to open the sinuses in the most atraumatic way possible. The procedure lasts from 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the extent of the surgical procedure performed.

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Igor Anurin - medical specialist (according to the qualification system of doctors in Poland and the European Union), a doctor of the highest category with seventeen years of experience in leading clinics in Warsaw. He specializes in endoscopic sinus surgery, nasal septum straightening, rhinoplasty, plastic surgery of the soft palate (treatment of snoring and sleep apnea), salivary gland tumors, treatment and diagnosis of head and neck cancer, as well as outpatient treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, Dr. Anurin is a member of the Polish Society of Otolaryngologists and Head and Neck Surgeons. He regularly participates in international scientific and practical conferences in otorhinolaryngology. Dr. Igor Anurin lives in Warsaw. 

Currently, he is a leading surgeon in the ENT department at the Mazowiecki Bródnowski Hospital. He is the head of the emergency department and head of the resident specialization. At Mea Clinic, he conducts consultations and performs surgeries. For several years, a large group of his patients have been Russian-speaking patients. FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) is a surgical technique involving minimally invasive surgical drainage of the paranasal sinuses. It involves intranasal opening of narrow spaces responsible for the development of chronic sinusitis and for the process of their mucociliary cleansing. Mucosal overgrowths, polyps, and small bone structures occurring in functionally unfavorable anatomical variants are removed. Another goal of the FESS operation is to open the sinuses in the most atraumatic way possible. The procedure lasts from 45 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the extent of the surgical procedure performed.

Читать подробнее
Erkan Vural
22 года опыта
39 отзывов

Erkan Vural

22 года опыта
Турция, Стамбул
Клиника Valued Med Hub Hospitals
Ари Диро
35 лет опыта
138 отзывов
Израиль, Тель-Авив
Клиника Сураски (Ихилов)

Ари Диро

35 лет опыта

Доктор Ари Дерове — высококвалифицированный детский отоларинголог с 32-летним стажем, в настоящее время работает в медицинском центре Ихилов Сураски в Тель-Авиве. Он получил степень бакалавра медицины в Университете Саклера в Израиле, специализацию по оториноларингологии в Университете Саклера и резидентуру по отоларингологии в больницах Каплан и Меир. Он также является инструктором в Медицинской школе Стэнфорда и заведующим отделением детской отоларингологии в отделении отоларингологии Ихилов, Тель-Авив. Он является членом нескольких профессиональных организаций, включая Израильскую медицинскую ассоциацию, Израильское общество отоларингологов, хирургов головы и шеи, Американское общество отоларингологов, хирургов головы и шеи и Американскую бронхоэзофагеальную ассоциацию.

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Доктор Ари Дерове — высококвалифицированный детский отоларинголог с 32-летним стажем, в настоящее время работает в медицинском центре Ихилов Сураски в Тель-Авиве. Он получил степень бакалавра медицины в Университете Саклера в Израиле, специализацию по оториноларингологии в Университете Саклера и резидентуру по отоларингологии в больницах Каплан и Меир. Он также является инструктором в Медицинской школе Стэнфорда и заведующим отделением детской отоларингологии в отделении отоларингологии Ихилов, Тель-Авив. Он является членом нескольких профессиональных организаций, включая Израильскую медицинскую ассоциацию, Израильское общество отоларингологов, хирургов головы и шеи, Американское общество отоларингологов, хирургов головы и шеи и Американскую бронхоэзофагеальную ассоциацию.

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Tugce Turker Botanlioglu
19 лет опыта
28 отзывов

Tugce Turker Botanlioglu

19 лет опыта
Турция, Стамбул
Больница Флоренс Найтингейл (Florence Nightingale)
Mazhar Celikoyar
39 лет опыта
28 отзывов

Mazhar Celikoyar

39 лет опыта
Турция, Стамбул
Больница Флоренс Найтингейл (Florence Nightingale)
Офир Хендзель
31 год опыта
138 отзывов
Израиль, Тель-Авив
Клиника Сураски (Ихилов)

Офир Хендзель

31 год опыта

Доктор Офир Хендзел — сертифицированный отоларинголог из Израиля с американским образованием, специализирующийся на кохлеарной имплантации и сложных отологических и нейробиологических операциях. Он имеет медицинскую степень в области отоларингологии, полученную в Еврейском университете в Иерусалиме, и прошел специальную подготовку в области ушной хирургии и латеральной хирургии основания черепа, хирургии височной кости и латеральной хирургии основания черепа в Гарвардской медицинской школе, Институте уха Хауса и Университете Сент-Луиса. соответственно. Его опыт работы включает сертификацию Совета в отделении кохлеарной имплантации в Медицинском центре Сураски и отделении отоларингологии в клинике Ассута. Он является членом Израильского общества отоларингологии/хирургии головы и шеи, Израильского отологического общества и Международного отологического общества.

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Доктор Офир Хендзел — сертифицированный отоларинголог из Израиля с американским образованием, специализирующийся на кохлеарной имплантации и сложных отологических и нейробиологических операциях. Он имеет медицинскую степень в области отоларингологии, полученную в Еврейском университете в Иерусалиме, и прошел специальную подготовку в области ушной хирургии и латеральной хирургии основания черепа, хирургии височной кости и латеральной хирургии основания черепа в Гарвардской медицинской школе, Институте уха Хауса и Университете Сент-Луиса. соответственно. Его опыт работы включает сертификацию Совета в отделении кохлеарной имплантации в Медицинском центре Сураски и отделении отоларингологии в клинике Ассута. Он является членом Израильского общества отоларингологии/хирургии головы и шеи, Израильского отологического общества и Международного отологического общества.

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Авраам Абергель
24 года опыта
138 отзывов
Израиль, Тель-Авив
Клиника Сураски (Ихилов)

Авраам Абергель

24 года опыта
Доктор Авраам Абергель является специалистом в области отоларингологии и нарушений слуха и входит в список лучших врачей Израиля по версии Forbes за 2021 год. Специализируется на эндоскопических операциях, транссфеноидальном удалении опухолей гипофиза, операциях на слезоотводящих путях, лечении храпа и апноэ во сне, удалении доброкачественных и злокачественных опухолей головы и шеи, а также лечении зоба, апноэ, рака щитовидной железы, синусита, рак горла, рак слюнных желез, рак носоглотки, полипы в носу.Читать подробнее
Доктор Авраам Абергель является специалистом в области отоларингологии и нарушений слуха и входит в список лучших врачей Израиля по версии Forbes за 2021 год. Специализируется на эндоскопических операциях, транссфеноидальном удалении опухолей гипофиза, операциях на слезоотводящих путях, лечении храпа и апноэ во сне, удалении доброкачественных и злокачественных опухолей головы и шеи, а также лечении зоба, апноэ, рака щитовидной железы, синусита, рак горла, рак слюнных желез, рак носоглотки, полипы в носу.
Читать подробнее
Imre Gerlinger
35 лет опыта
10 отзывов

Imre Gerlinger

35 лет опыта
Венгрия, Будапешт
Медицинский центр Liv Duna
Gabor Katona
74 года опыта
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Gabor Katona

74 года опыта
Венгрия, Будапешт
Медицинский центр Liv Duna
Shahriyar Azad
14 лет опыта
1 отзыв

Shahriyar Azad

14 лет опыта
ОАЭ, Дубаи
Больница Dubai London (Dubai London Hospital)
О Коннор Рейна
19 лет опыта
3 отзыва
Испания, Марбелья
Клиника Киронсалуд Марбелья (Quirónsalud Marbella)

О Коннор Рейна

19 лет опыта

During this time, he published the first European report on the advantages of injection snoreplasty to treat sleep respiratory disorders; and in 2006 he was the first doctor to place a soft palate in Spain. He is also the author of the first app in the world used for the treatment of sleep apnoea through telemedicine.

Dr O'Connor is the President of the Spanish Commission of the Spanish Society of Respiratory Disorders. He is also a member of the European Sleep Research, the American Otorhinolaryngology Academy, the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society, Ibero-American Otorhinolaryngology Society and Andalusian Otorhinolaryngology Society.

Professional Experience

• Lecturer in Otorhinolaryngology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Seville.

• Co-Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit of the Quironsalud Marbella Hospital and Quironsalud Campo de Gibraltar Hospital since 2006.

• First European report on the use of injection snoreplasty to treat sleep respiratory disorders in 2005.

• First soft palate implant in Spain and first publication in the country on this area of medicine (2006).

• Author of the first manuscript on the use of radiofrequency to treat hypertrophy of nasal turbinates in paediatric patients in sleep respiratory disorders.

• Author of the first lateral pharyngoplasty in Europe 2010.

• Author of the first expansion pharyngoplasty in Spain in 2010.

• First doctor in Spain to introduce myofunctional therapy in a sleep unit in order to treat obstructive sleep apnoea.

• Author of the first app in the world used to treat sleep apnoea through telemedicine.

• International revisor of papers about sleep respiratory disorders in Laryngoscope, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Plos One, Nature and Science of Sleep, International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Spanish Acta ORL, Stockholm Acta ORL.


Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and head and neck surgery are a medico-surgical speciality dealing with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the pathologies affecting the ear (hearing and balance), the upper airways (nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx), sense of smell, oral cavity, neck and salivary glands.

The ENT Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital comprises a team of outstanding specialists in this medical field, who are a reference at national and international level, on account of their research work, implementation and development of avant-garde techniques, as well as regular publications in highly-influential scientific journals.

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During this time, he published the first European report on the advantages of injection snoreplasty to treat sleep respiratory disorders; and in 2006 he was the first doctor to place a soft palate in Spain. He is also the author of the first app in the world used for the treatment of sleep apnoea through telemedicine.

Dr O'Connor is the President of the Spanish Commission of the Spanish Society of Respiratory Disorders. He is also a member of the European Sleep Research, the American Otorhinolaryngology Academy, the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society, Ibero-American Otorhinolaryngology Society and Andalusian Otorhinolaryngology Society.

Professional Experience

• Lecturer in Otorhinolaryngology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Seville.

• Co-Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit of the Quironsalud Marbella Hospital and Quironsalud Campo de Gibraltar Hospital since 2006.

• First European report on the use of injection snoreplasty to treat sleep respiratory disorders in 2005.

• First soft palate implant in Spain and first publication in the country on this area of medicine (2006).

• Author of the first manuscript on the use of radiofrequency to treat hypertrophy of nasal turbinates in paediatric patients in sleep respiratory disorders.

• Author of the first lateral pharyngoplasty in Europe 2010.

• Author of the first expansion pharyngoplasty in Spain in 2010.

• First doctor in Spain to introduce myofunctional therapy in a sleep unit in order to treat obstructive sleep apnoea.

• Author of the first app in the world used to treat sleep apnoea through telemedicine.

• International revisor of papers about sleep respiratory disorders in Laryngoscope, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation, Plos One, Nature and Science of Sleep, International Journal of Paediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Spanish Acta ORL, Stockholm Acta ORL.


Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and head and neck surgery are a medico-surgical speciality dealing with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the pathologies affecting the ear (hearing and balance), the upper airways (nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx), sense of smell, oral cavity, neck and salivary glands.

The ENT Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital comprises a team of outstanding specialists in this medical field, who are a reference at national and international level, on account of their research work, implementation and development of avant-garde techniques, as well as regular publications in highly-influential scientific journals.

Читать подробнее
Kadri Sert
16 лет опыта

Kadri Sert

16 лет опыта
Турция, Измир
Медицинский центр Ento Surgical
Mehmet Nuri Elgormus
19 лет опыта

Mehmet Nuri Elgormus

19 лет опыта
Турция, Стамбул
Университетская больница Атлас (Atlas University Medicine Hospital)
Хуан Карлос Касадо Моренте
34 года опыта
3 отзыва
Испания, Марбелья
Клиника Киронсалуд Марбелья (Quirónsalud Marbella)

Хуан Карлос Касадо Моренте

34 года опыта

Dr Casado Morente is a permanent member of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society and Cervical-Facial Pathology, as well as being a member of the Committee for the revision of scientific articles of said society. Since 2013 he has been the Co-Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital.

He is a prestigious specialist of reference in the field of voice pitch change (voice feminisation and masculinisation). He is a frequent participant in a number of congresses as a speaker, national and international courses, as well as producing numerous reports in congresses.


Professional Experience

• Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit at the Quirónsalud MarbellaHospital.

• Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit at the Quirónsalud Campo de Gibraltar Hospital.

• Member of the Committee for the revision of scientific articles of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society (SEORL in its Spanish abbreviation) and Cervical-Facial Pathology (PCF in its Spanish abbreviation).

• President of the Commission of Laryngology ,Voice and Deglutition of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society (SEORL, in its Spanish abbreviation) and Cervical-Facial Pathology (PCF in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Professor of the University Official Master Degree "Voice and Language Disorders at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Honorary Cooperating Lecturer at the Malaga University (UMA, in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Vice-president of the Costa del Sol International Medical Academy (IMA, in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Founding Member of the International Association of Trans Voice Surgeons (IATVS) in Berlin, 2022 (jointly with 8 other surgeons from other parts of the world who specialise in voice pitch change: voice feminisation and masculinisation.


Book Publications:

• Clinical Assessment of the Voice. Medical and Speech Therapy Fundamentals. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado and José Antonio Adrián.

• Manual for the Laryngectomised Patient. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and José Antonio Adrián Torres

• Voice Disorders. From Diagnosis to Treatment. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and Agustín Pérez Izquierdo

• Voice Feminisation. A Mutidisciplinary Approach in Transgender Women. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and Enrique Maraví Aznar.


Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and head and neck surgery are a medico-surgical speciality dealing with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the pathologies affecting the ear (hearing and balance), the upper airways (nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx), sense of smell, oral cavity, neck and salivary glands.

The ENT Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital comprises a team of outstanding specialists in this medical field, who are a reference at national and international level, on account of their research work, implementation and development of avant-garde techniques, as well as regular publications in highly-influential scientific journals.

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Dr Casado Morente is a permanent member of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society and Cervical-Facial Pathology, as well as being a member of the Committee for the revision of scientific articles of said society. Since 2013 he has been the Co-Director of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital.

He is a prestigious specialist of reference in the field of voice pitch change (voice feminisation and masculinisation). He is a frequent participant in a number of congresses as a speaker, national and international courses, as well as producing numerous reports in congresses.


Professional Experience

• Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit at the Quirónsalud MarbellaHospital.

• Head of the Otorhinolaryngology Unit at the Quirónsalud Campo de Gibraltar Hospital.

• Member of the Committee for the revision of scientific articles of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society (SEORL in its Spanish abbreviation) and Cervical-Facial Pathology (PCF in its Spanish abbreviation).

• President of the Commission of Laryngology ,Voice and Deglutition of the Spanish Otorhinolaryngology Society (SEORL, in its Spanish abbreviation) and Cervical-Facial Pathology (PCF in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Professor of the University Official Master Degree "Voice and Language Disorders at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Honorary Cooperating Lecturer at the Malaga University (UMA, in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Vice-president of the Costa del Sol International Medical Academy (IMA, in its Spanish abbreviation).

• Founding Member of the International Association of Trans Voice Surgeons (IATVS) in Berlin, 2022 (jointly with 8 other surgeons from other parts of the world who specialise in voice pitch change: voice feminisation and masculinisation.


Book Publications:

• Clinical Assessment of the Voice. Medical and Speech Therapy Fundamentals. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado and José Antonio Adrián.

• Manual for the Laryngectomised Patient. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and José Antonio Adrián Torres

• Voice Disorders. From Diagnosis to Treatment. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and Agustín Pérez Izquierdo

• Voice Feminisation. A Mutidisciplinary Approach in Transgender Women. Authors: Juan Carlos Casado Morente and Enrique Maraví Aznar.


Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) and head and neck surgery are a medico-surgical speciality dealing with the study, diagnosis and treatment of the pathologies affecting the ear (hearing and balance), the upper airways (nose, paranasal sinuses, pharynx and larynx), sense of smell, oral cavity, neck and salivary glands.

The ENT Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital comprises a team of outstanding specialists in this medical field, who are a reference at national and international level, on account of their research work, implementation and development of avant-garde techniques, as well as regular publications in highly-influential scientific journals.

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