Хирургия снижения веса
диагностика | |
Консультация бариатрического хирурга | Цена по запросу |
лечение | |
Баллонирование желудка | $3300 |
Бандажирование желудка | $6000 |
Желудочное шунтирование | $9300 |
Ушивание желудка | $5000 |
Рукавная резекция желудка | $5500 |
The main object of the Medical History Committee is to accomplish the registration of the relevant clinical data in order to provide decision-support information while taking care of our patients in accordance with the corporation’s Policy of Quality as well as the national and international standards
диагностика | |
Консультация бариатрического хирурга | Цена по запросу |
лечение | |
Баллонирование желудка | $3300 |
Бандажирование желудка | $6000 |
Желудочное шунтирование | $9300 |
Ушивание желудка | $5000 |
Рукавная резекция желудка | $5500 |
диагностика | |
Консультация пластического хирурга | Цена по запросу |
лечение | |
Подтяжка ягодиц | $3900 |
Глютеопластика (увеличение ягодиц) | $5000 |
Абдоминопластика | $5500 |
Блефаропластика нижних век | $1800 |
Платизмопластика (подтяжка шеи) | Цена по запросу |
лечение | |
Гистерэктомия (удаление матки) | $3500 |
лечение | |
Операция при кистевом туннельном синдроме | $3000 |
лечение | |
Удаление межпозвоночной грыжи | $6000 |
Спинальная фузия (Спондилодез) | $16000 |
лечение | |
Артроскопия голеностопного сустава | $7000 |
Замена тазобедренного сустава | $13000 |
Артроскопия коленного сустава | $4000 |
Операция при Халюс Вальгус | $5500 |
диагностика | |
Биопсия костного мозга | $4000 |
The main object of the Medical History Committee is to accomplish the registration of the relevant clinical data in order to provide decision-support information while taking care of our patients in accordance with the corporation’s Policy of Quality as well as the national and international standards.
The strongest specialties at Hospital Hispano Americano are:
Herniated disc surgery cost starts from $ 6,000.
Hysterectomy (uterus removal) cost starts from $ 3,500.
Manimally invasive fusion surgery cost starts from $ 16,000.
Bone marrow biopsy cost starts from $ 4,000.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Surgery cost starts from $ 3,000.
Hip replacement cost starts from $ 13,000.
Knee Arthroscopy cost starts from $ 4,000.
Ankle Arthroscopy cost starts from $ 7,000.
Hallux valgus surgery cost starts from $ 5,500.
Brachytherapy cost starts from $ 5,000.
Breast Implants with Breast Lift cost starts from $ 6,000.
Facelift surgery cost starts from $ 5,999.
Breast lift cost starts from $ 4,500.
Breast reduction cost starts from $ 5,500.
Gastric bypass cost starts from $ 9,300.
Stomach stapling cost starts from $ 5,000.
Sleeve gastrectomy cost starts from $ 5,500.
Gastric band cost starts from $ 6,000.
Gastric balloon cost starts from $ 3,300.
Prices are 3-4 times lower than in the US clinics.
German, English, Spanish
Certified by the Mexican Board of Plastic Surgery
Certified by the Mexican Council of Pediatric Surgery
Certified by the Mexican College of Pediatric Surgery
Member of the American College of Surgeons, the Mexican Association of Endoscopic Surgery, and the Mexican Council of General Surgery
Graduated with a degree in medicine (MD) from the Autonomous University of Baja California
Completed specialized training in orthopedics and traumatology at the National Medical Center of Southeast and Magdalenas, Salinas, Mexico
Completed specialized training in orthopedics and traumatology at the Autonomous University of Mexico
Certified by the Mexican Council of Orthopedics and Traumatology
Certified by the Mexican Board of Ophthalmology
Member of the Association of Internal Medicine of Mexico, the Mexican Society of Cardiology, the Association of Cardiology of Mexico, and the Society of Cardiology of Baja California
Member of the American Society of Interventional Cardiology, the Society of Interventional Cardiology of Mexico, and the Society of Cardiology of Baja California
Certified by the Mexican Council of Plastic, Cosmetic, and Reconstructive Surgery