Франсиско Хавьер Альсуета Родригес
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Франсиско Хавьер Альсуета Родригес

  • Специализация: Кардиолог
  • 29 лет опыта
  • Speaks:
    Английский, Испанский, Французский
  • Онлайн-консультации: доступны
  • Место работы: Испания, Марбелья, Клиника Киронсалуд Марбелья (Quirónsalud Marbella)
  • Dr Francisco Javier Alzueta is a reputed cardiologist in Malaga and Marbella with nearly three decades of experience. He is one of the most renowned cardiologists of the Spanish medical pool. Having completed his university studies in Zaragoza and later on in Madrid, he is currently the Head of the Cardiology and the Arrhythmia Units at Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital.

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Анонимный отзыв • Консультация невролога
4 мар. 2025 г.
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Желательно получить более действенные рекомендации о лечении парестетической мералгии в Испании. ( болезнь Бернгардьа -Рота) такой диагноз мне поставил невролог но к диагнозу надо еще и лечение , рекомендации в какой клинике Испании такое лечат. А врач ограничился только назначением гормональных препаратов и биодобавок. Ничего не рекомендовал из физиотерапевтического лечения
Verena Fischer Eugster • Комплексная диагностика зрения
11 июн. 2024 г.
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Анонимный отзыв • Консервативное лечение
5 дек. 2020 г.
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Доктор был очень приятным и не торопился, чтобы объяснить процедуру
Прежде чем соглашаться на посещение больницы, убедитесь, что за вами будет ухаживать терапевт, расценки и план лечения в больнице. Убедитесь, что Букимед предоставляет вам эту информацию, а также убедитесь, что нет языкового барьера и что вы подготовили документы в порядке после выписки.
Анна • Эпилепсия
26 сент. 2019 г.
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He is an expert in cardiac arrhythmia, pacemaker implantation, internal defibrillators and catheter ablation; and he conducts diagnostic electrophysiological studies.

He also carries out extensive teaching work as a Senior Lecturer of the Medicine Department of the Malaga University, where he teaches the subject Diseases of the Circulatory and Respiratory Systems to fourth-year medical students.

He is the author of over 100 scientific publications in influential journals. At the same time, he has contributed to the preparation of clinical practice guides and is the author of 23 books and chapters of scientific titles in the speciality.


Professional experience

University Degree in Medicine and Surgery (1978) obtained at the Zaragoza University.

Degree as Doctor in Medicine by the Zaragoza University with final thesis “Cardiac Automatism and Conduction in a Model of Experimental Heterotopic Cardiac Transplantation. Effects of Verapamil”, which obtained a cum laude award.

Training as a Resident Doctor in Cardiology at Clínica Puerta de Hierro in Madrid (1979-1984).

Cardiology Medical Consultant and the Head of the Arrhythmia Unit at Clínica Puerta de Hierro (1985-1992).

Other positions:

Coordinator of the Implantable Defibrillator working team of the Spanish Cardiology Society (2009 – 2016).

Member of the European Society of Cardiology.

Member of the European Heart Rhythm Association.

Member of the Spanish Cardiology Society.

Member of the Andalusian Cardiology Society.

Member of the Editorial Committee of the Spanish Cardiology Journal.

Member of the Editorial Committee of Cardiocore.

Member of the Editorial Committee of Cardiac Stimulation Notebooks.


The Cardiology Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital is made up of a medical team with large experience in the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases, as well as employing the most advanced technologies, both in the clinical area and in the area of haemodynamics and arrhythmia.

Diseases, treatments and techniques:

  • Clinical cardiology

- Adult and children cardiology consultation with the performance of supplementary tests, all within one appointment.

- Specific consultations for arrhythmia

- Paedriatic cardiology

- Colour Doppler echocardiography and stress echocardiography

- Stress test

- 24-hour and long-term Holter EKG

- CT coronary angiogram

- Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

- Tilt table testing

- Cardiac rehabilitation

Cardiac haemodynamics

- Diagnostic cardiac catheterisation and percutaneous treatment of ischaemic heart disease with angioplasty and stent implant

- Myocardial infarction percutaneous treatment programme

- Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI)

- Percutaneous repair of the mitral valve (Mitral clip)

- Percutaneous closure of interatrial communication

- Percutaneous closure of left atrial appendage


Arrhythmia Unit 

- Diagnostic electrophysiological study 

- Catheter ablation

 - Cryoablation of atrial fibrillation

 - Ablation using a complex arrhythmic substrate navigator

 - Pacemaker implantation 

- Automatic endovenous and subcutaneous implantable


Cardiac surgery 

- Surgery with and without extracorporeal circulation

- Minimally-invasive surgery with an early extubation

  • - Repair of mitral and aortic valves

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