Хесус Ромеро Имброда
- Специализация: Невролог
- 21 год опыта
- Speaks:Английский, Испанский
- Онлайн-консультации: доступны
- Место работы: Испания, Марбелья, Клиника Киронсалуд Марбелья (Quirónsalud Marbella)
- Dr Jesús Romero Imbroda is one of the most prestigious neurologists of the Spanish medical scene. He is a Bachelor and a Doctor in Medicine awarded by the University of Granada with nearly three decades of medical experience, specialised in cognitive deterioration, degenerative disease of the nervous system, neurologic disorders, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy...
Доктор Хесус Ромеро Имброда предоставляет онлайн-консультацию
Отзывы пациентов
Doctor's services
- Гамма-нож
- Глубокая стимуляция мозга (DBS)
- Реабилитация с тренажером "Локомат"
- Войта-терапия
- Снузелен-терапия
- Множественные субпиальные транссекции
- Стимуляция блуждающего нерва
- Хирургическое лечение эпилепсии
- Медикаментозное лечение болезни Паркинсона
- Реабилитация с помощью экзоскелета
- Реабилитация на вертикализаторе
- Реабилитация на беговой дорожке Anti Gravity
- Реабилитация с космическим костюмом TheraSuit
- Плазмаферез
- Стереотаксические операции
- Медикаментозное лечение рассеянного склероза
- Медикаментозное лечение эпилепсии
- Реабилитация с тренажером Гросса
- Медикаментозное лечение эссенциального тремора
- Трудотерапия
- Стимулятор спинного мозга (нейростимуляция) (SCS)
- Лечение болевого синдрома после хирургии грыжи
- Тимэктомия
- Окревус (окрелизумаб)
- Реабилитация при рассеянном склерозе
- КТ (компьютерная томография)
- Комплексная диагностика синдрома Веста
- МРТ одного отдела
- Видео-ЭЭГ мониторинг
- Биопсия головного мозга
- Измерение вызванных слуховых потенциалов мозга
- МРТ головного мозга
- ЭЭГ (Электроэнцефалография)
- Онлайн консультация с эпилептологом
Как вы оцениваете наш сервис?
Dr Romero Imbroda is an academic of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Eastern Andalusia and a Fellow of the European Board of Neurology, as well as a Member of the Board of Directors of the
Andalusian Society of Neurology. He combines his medical practice with his teaching role at the University of Granada, where he is a Lecturer and has been a Member of the Internal Residential Doctor Assessment Committee in Melilla until 2017.
He is the author of several national and international scientific publications. He has also participated in research projects associated with treatments for multiple sclerosis.
Professional Experience:
• 2020: President of the Andalusian Society of Neurology
• 2019: Head of the Units at the Quirónsalud Malaga and Marbella Hospitals
• 2017-2021: Neurologist at the Regional Malaga University Hospital.
• 2016-2017: Lecturer at the University of Granada.
• 2009-2017: Neurologist at the Imbrain Neuroscience Clinic. Melilla.
• 2009-2017: Neurologist at the Melilla Hospital.
• 2008-2009: Neurologist at the Virgen de las Nieves Hospital. Granada.
• 2004-2008: Neurologist at the Carlos Haya Hospital. Malaga.
Academic Training:
• 2017: Innovation and Leadership in Neurology. Business Institute. Madrid.
• 2014: Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates. United States.
• 2011-2012: Management of Integrated Health Services. ESADE. Madrid.
• 2010: Neurologists for the Future. Spanish Neurology Society.
• 2010: Master in Tissue Engineering. University of Granada.
• 2010: Doctorate at the University of Granada. Summa Cum Laude. 2010.
• 2004-2008: Neurology specialist at the Carlos Haya Hospital. Malaga.
• 1997-2003: University Graduate in Medicine at the University of Granada.
The Neurology Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital specialises in the study and treatment of conditions associated to the nervous system, the brain, the spinal cord, the peripheral nerves and the muscles. We have the most advanced technology that enables us to make accurate and personalised diagnoses and treatments in the study of patients with complex diagnoses and treatments (MRI, CT scan,electroencephalogram, transacranial doppler ultrasound, cerebral arteriogramand neuropschycological testing).
We offer our patients highly-specialised treatments for cerebrovascular and neuromuscular diseases, Parkinson's Disease, headaches and migraine, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, peripheral neuropathies, infections of the nervous system, movement disorders, dementia and other cognitive conditions, paediatric neurology, sleep disorders, tumours and complications deriving from injuries to the spine and the head.
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