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Установка зубной коронки
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Лучшие стоматологи по установке зубной коронки – ТОП-292 доктора

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Фахад Мавлюд - Врач общей практики, лауреат 4 конкурсов научных работ молодых ученых. Работал на Среднем Востоке. Бывший руководитель команды англоязычных и арабоязычных врачей-координаторов. Сейчас занимается анализом данных и выступает медицинским редактором сайта.
Корай Атик
12 лет опыта
3 отзыва
Турция, Анталия
Стоматологическая клиника Интер Дентал Турция (Inter Dental Turkey)

Корай Атик

12 лет опыта
Dr. Koray Atik is a dental professional specializing in aesthetic dentistry and implantology. He has conducted studies on aesthetic dentistry in London and offers an array of procedures including All-on-4 Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneer, Lumineer, and Root canal treatment. Dr. Atik also contributes to the Milliyet Newspaper as a columnist.Читать подробнее
Dr. Koray Atik is a dental professional specializing in aesthetic dentistry and implantology. He has conducted studies on aesthetic dentistry in London and offers an array of procedures including All-on-4 Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneer, Lumineer, and Root canal treatment. Dr. Atik also contributes to the Milliyet Newspaper as a columnist.
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3 отзыва
Пакетная цена "Все включено"
20 циркониевых коронок с сертификатом гарантии VITA ( размещение в 5* отеле Ultra All Inclusive и VIP трансфер включены )
Есим Оздемир
17 лет опыта
2 отзыва
Турция, Стамбул
Центр челюстно-лицевой хирургии и стоматологии 360 (360 Dental Clinic)

Есим Оздемир

17 лет опыта
Dr. Yesim Ozdemir is a specialist in the field of genetic diseases, providing genetic counseling and conducting a variety of genetic tests. She also has expertise in dental procedures such as All-on-4 Dental Implants, All-on-6 Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneer, Composite Veneer, and Lumineer among others. She has made significant contributions to her field through research, publishing articles in reputable journals, and active participation in professional organizations and educational events.Читать подробнее
Dr. Yesim Ozdemir is a specialist in the field of genetic diseases, providing genetic counseling and conducting a variety of genetic tests. She also has expertise in dental procedures such as All-on-4 Dental Implants, All-on-6 Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneer, Composite Veneer, and Lumineer among others. She has made significant contributions to her field through research, publishing articles in reputable journals, and active participation in professional organizations and educational events.
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Джан Токман
34 года опыта
1 отзыв
Турция, Стамбул
Клиника Istanbul Esthetic & Implant dentistry

Джан Токман

34 года опыта
Доктор Джан Токман — опытный стоматолог из Анкары, Турция. Он имеет более чем 25-летний опыт работы в различных стоматологических областях, включая рак полости рта, фарфоровые коронки и мосты, протезирование зубов, имплантологию, эстетическую и пластическую хирургию, ортодонтическое лечение и многое другое. Он аккредитован несколькими посольствами и имеет множество публикаций.Читать подробнее
Доктор Джан Токман — опытный стоматолог из Анкары, Турция. Он имеет более чем 25-летний опыт работы в различных стоматологических областях, включая рак полости рта, фарфоровые коронки и мосты, протезирование зубов, имплантологию, эстетическую и пластическую хирургию, ортодонтическое лечение и многое другое. Он аккредитован несколькими посольствами и имеет множество публикаций.
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1 отзыв
Прием врача цена по запросу
Установка зубной коронки $190 - $290
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Mehmet Kose
14 лет опыта
1 отзыв
Турция, Измир
Стоматологическая клиника Адапорт (Adaport Dental)

Mehmet Kose

14 лет опыта
Dr. Mehmet Kose is a dentist with over 13 years of experience, specializing in prosthodontics. He holds an internationally recognized certificate in advanced orthodontic training and joint-occlusion training. He is recognized for his expertise in various procedures including Hollywood Smile, Denture, Dental bridge installation, and many others. He has presented at notable congresses and has been acclaimed for his professionalism and skill.Читать подробнее
Dr. Mehmet Kose is a dentist with over 13 years of experience, specializing in prosthodontics. He holds an internationally recognized certificate in advanced orthodontic training and joint-occlusion training. He is recognized for his expertise in various procedures including Hollywood Smile, Denture, Dental bridge installation, and many others. He has presented at notable congresses and has been acclaimed for his professionalism and skill.
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Tamer Cakar
23 года опыта
Турция, Стамбул
Стоматологическая клиника Catwalk Nisantasi

Tamer Cakar

23 года опыта
Dr. Tamer Cakar is a renowned expert in aesthetic dentistry, endodontics, and dental grilling with over 20 years of experience. He provides a comprehensive range of treatments including All-on-4 Dental Implants, Tooth Whitening, Invisalign, and Dental Crown Installation. He is one of only two dentists globally who own a clinic, an atelier, and a dental laboratory.Читать подробнее
Dr. Tamer Cakar is a renowned expert in aesthetic dentistry, endodontics, and dental grilling with over 20 years of experience. He provides a comprehensive range of treatments including All-on-4 Dental Implants, Tooth Whitening, Invisalign, and Dental Crown Installation. He is one of only two dentists globally who own a clinic, an atelier, and a dental laboratory.
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Илкер Арслан
23 года опыта
Турция, Стамбул
Клиника Дент Суадие (Dent Suadiye)

Илкер Арслан

23 года опыта

Пациент является членом Турецкой ассоциации ортопедии и имплантологии (TPID), Международной группы имплантологов (ITI) и Турецкой академии эстетической стоматологии (EDAD).

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Пациент является членом Турецкой ассоциации ортопедии и имплантологии (TPID), Международной группы имплантологов (ITI) и Турецкой академии эстетической стоматологии (EDAD).

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Фото до и после
Прием врача цена по запросу
Установка зубной коронки $270.67 - $303.15
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Abdulsamet Kundakcioglu
13 лет опыта
1 отзыв
Турция, Стамбул
Стоматологическая клиника Дентави Стамбул (Dentavie Istanbul Dental Clinic)

Abdulsamet Kundakcioglu

13 лет опыта
Dr. Abdulsamet Kundakcioglu is a specialist in Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Surgery with a strong focus on Orthognathic Surgery, Custom Implants, Dental Implant Surgery, Oral Surgery, and Maxillofacial Traumas. He has contributed significantly to his field through scientific publications and presentations at global conferences. He is a member of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and The Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. His procedures include Orthognathic surgery, All-on-4 Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneer, and others.Читать подробнее
Dr. Abdulsamet Kundakcioglu is a specialist in Oral, Dental, and Maxillofacial Surgery with a strong focus on Orthognathic Surgery, Custom Implants, Dental Implant Surgery, Oral Surgery, and Maxillofacial Traumas. He has contributed significantly to his field through scientific publications and presentations at global conferences. He is a member of the International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and The Turkish Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. His procedures include Orthognathic surgery, All-on-4 Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneer, and others.
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Onur Uguz
19 лет опыта
1 отзыв

Onur Uguz

19 лет опыта
Турция, Стамбул
Стоматологическая поликлиника Megadentist Oral and Dental Health
1 отзыв
Прием врача цена по запросу
Установка зубной коронки $110 - $220
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Samuel Guevara Gomez
28 годы опыта
Мексика, Канкун
Клиника RO Dental

Samuel Guevara Gomez

28 годы опыта
  • Использует коронки PFM (Porcelain Fused to Metal) для установки зубных коронок.
  • Проходил обучение в Бразилии, Израиле и Лихтенштейне по передовым стоматологическим методикам.
  • Член Международного общества ортопедической стоматологии.
  • Прошел специализацию по ортопедической стоматологии и имплантологии в Университете Ла Салле.
  • Лицензированный стоматолог-хирург и одонтолог с более чем 20-летним опытом работы.
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  • Использует коронки PFM (Porcelain Fused to Metal) для установки зубных коронок.
  • Проходил обучение в Бразилии, Израиле и Лихтенштейне по передовым стоматологическим методикам.
  • Член Международного общества ортопедической стоматологии.
  • Прошел специализацию по ортопедической стоматологии и имплантологии в Университете Ла Салле.
  • Лицензированный стоматолог-хирург и одонтолог с более чем 20-летним опытом работы.
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Вичулада Пхунтикафадр
19 лет опыта
4 отзыва
Таиланд, Бангкок
Международный стоматологический центр в Бангкоке

Вичулада Пхунтикафадр

19 лет опыта

Доктор Вичулада Пхунтикапхадр — стоматолог, окончивший Университет Чулалонгкорн (Таиланд) и стажировавшийся в Мичиганском университете и Университете Махидол (оба США). Она специализируется на оперативной стоматологии и эндодонтии, является сертифицированным стоматологом, занимающимся установкой люминиров, и является членом Тайской стоматологической ассоциации.

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Доктор Вичулада Пхунтикапхадр — стоматолог, окончивший Университет Чулалонгкорн (Таиланд) и стажировавшийся в Мичиганском университете и Университете Махидол (оба США). Она специализируется на оперативной стоматологии и эндодонтии, является сертифицированным стоматологом, занимающимся установкой люминиров, и является членом Тайской стоматологической ассоциации.

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4 отзыва
Прием врача цена по запросу
Установка зубной коронки $246.26 - $492.52
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Sinan Donmez
25 годы опыта
Турция, Измир
Центр здоровья Ата (Ata Health Center)

Sinan Donmez

25 годы опыта
Dr. Sinan Donmez is a skilled dental surgeon with over 20 years of experience, specializing in a range of dental procedures such as All-on-4 Dental Implants, Mini dental implant, Composite Veneer, and Tooth Whitening. He is an active member of the Turkish Dental Association and has successfully performed more than 30,000 treatments.Читать подробнее
Dr. Sinan Donmez is a skilled dental surgeon with over 20 years of experience, specializing in a range of dental procedures such as All-on-4 Dental Implants, Mini dental implant, Composite Veneer, and Tooth Whitening. He is an active member of the Turkish Dental Association and has successfully performed more than 30,000 treatments.
Читать подробнее
22 года опыта
7 отзывов
Турция, Стамбул
Клиника Медипунто (Medipunto)


22 года опыта
Dr. Lacin Begsoy is a specialized Dentist with expertise in a wide range of dental procedures.Читать подробнее
Dr. Lacin Begsoy is a specialized Dentist with expertise in a wide range of dental procedures.
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Halime Ulukaya
17 лет опыта

Halime Ulukaya

17 лет опыта
Турция, Анталия
Стоматологическая клиника HB
Керем Тургут Атасой
Челюстно-лицевой хирург
16 лет опыта
Турция, Бурса
Клиника Бурса (Klinik Bursa)

Керем Тургут Атасой

Челюстно-лицевой хирург
16 лет опыта
Dr. Kerem Turgut Atasoy is a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with expertise in Implant Applications, Jaw Joint Treatments, and Aesthetic Dentistry. He has contributed to several publications in his field and holds a Master's Degree in Aesthetic Dentistry from the International Medical College.Читать подробнее
Dr. Kerem Turgut Atasoy is a specialist in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery with expertise in Implant Applications, Jaw Joint Treatments, and Aesthetic Dentistry. He has contributed to several publications in his field and holds a Master's Degree in Aesthetic Dentistry from the International Medical College.
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Erhan Firat
31 год опыта
1 отзыв
Турция, Измир
Клиника TWT Health

Erhan Firat

31 год опыта
Dr. Erhan Firat, DDS, PhD, is a specialist in Aesthetic Dentistry and Implantology with over 31 years of experience. His expertise extends to endodontics, aesthetic dentistry, and implantology. He is a member of the Ankara Chamber of Dentists and the American Dental Association. His services encompass a broad range of dental procedures such as All-on-4 Dental Implants, All-on-6 Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneers, Lumineers, Root Canal Treatment, and Dental Implant Veneers.Читать подробнее
Dr. Erhan Firat, DDS, PhD, is a specialist in Aesthetic Dentistry and Implantology with over 31 years of experience. His expertise extends to endodontics, aesthetic dentistry, and implantology. He is a member of the Ankara Chamber of Dentists and the American Dental Association. His services encompass a broad range of dental procedures such as All-on-4 Dental Implants, All-on-6 Dental Implants, Porcelain Veneers, Lumineers, Root Canal Treatment, and Dental Implant Veneers.
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Elif Celik
9 лет опыта
Турция, Стамбул
Клиника MCAN Health

Elif Celik

9 лет опыта
Dr. Elif Celik is a specialist in Acupuncture and Dentistry. Her practice includes a range of dental treatments and services, such as All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Implants, Veneers, Bone Graft, and Dental Implants. She also has a notable record of research, with two articles published in reputed journals.Читать подробнее
Dr. Elif Celik is a specialist in Acupuncture and Dentistry. Her practice includes a range of dental treatments and services, such as All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Implants, Veneers, Bone Graft, and Dental Implants. She also has a notable record of research, with two articles published in reputed journals.
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Александр Шилл
28 годы опыта
2 отзыва
Чехия, Прага
Стоматологическая клиника Шилл (Schill Dental Clinic)

Александр Шилл

28 годы опыта
Dr. Alexander Schill, a seasoned dentist with over 25 years of experience, specializes in preventative dentistry, restorative dentistry, dental surgery, dental prostheses, and dental aesthetics. He is known for detailed, painless, and natural-looking procedures. Specializing in complex dental reconstructions, particularly for physically handicapped patients, he offers a five-year service guarantee on his treatments.Читать подробнее
Dr. Alexander Schill, a seasoned dentist with over 25 years of experience, specializes in preventative dentistry, restorative dentistry, dental surgery, dental prostheses, and dental aesthetics. He is known for detailed, painless, and natural-looking procedures. Specializing in complex dental reconstructions, particularly for physically handicapped patients, he offers a five-year service guarantee on his treatments.
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Руслан Литовченко
9 лет опыта
1 отзыв
Украина, Киев
Стоматологическая клиника VerMax

Руслан Литовченко

9 лет опыта
Dr. Ruslan Lytovchenko is a recognized therapist, orthopedist, and surgeon. He is highly skilled in various dental procedures including Tooth Extraction, Tooth Whitening, Root canal treatment, and more. He is known for his professional skills, patient-centered approach, and ability to address multiple dental issues.Читать подробнее
Dr. Ruslan Lytovchenko is a recognized therapist, orthopedist, and surgeon. He is highly skilled in various dental procedures including Tooth Extraction, Tooth Whitening, Root canal treatment, and more. He is known for his professional skills, patient-centered approach, and ability to address multiple dental issues.
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Pedro Paulino
12 лет опыта

Pedro Paulino

12 лет опыта
Доминиканская Республика, Санто-Доминго
Клиника Paulino Almonte Dental Team