In 2007 he joined the Costa del Sol Hospital and left this position when he obtained an international scholarship that would take him back to San Francisco. In 2010 he moved to Japan to complete his training in the submucosal endoscopic dissection technique that he would later on introduce in Andalusia in 2011, thus becoming one of the pioneers in the performance of this technique in Spain. In 2011 he became the first medical professional in the world to use the 15-mm AXIOS stent in pancreatic fluid collection drainage. In 2018 he began to perform gastroenteroanastomosis with luminal apposition stent in patients with pancreatic cancer and bowel obstruction, thus becoming a pioneer in Andalusia to perform such technique.
He is a coauthor of the reference guides of the European Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy on the endoscopic treatment of chronic pancreatitis and non-variceal gastrointestinal haemorrhage.
Professional Experience
Over 24 years' experience
1999 - Degree in Medicine and Surgery. Malaga University, Spain.
2003 to 2006 - Medical Residency in the Digestive System at the Virgen Macarena Hospital in Seville, Spain.
2006 - International Scholar at the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, USA.
2007 – Digestive System Specialist at the Costa del Sol Hospital, Marbella. Spain.
2008 - California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, USA.
2009 - Top Reviewer Award received from the Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Journal.
2011 – Pioneer in Spain in the introduction of the submucosal endoscopic dissection technique.
2011 – First professional in the world to use the AXIOS (15mm) stent for pancreatic fluid collection drainage.
2016 - Gold Medal of the Andalusian Society for Digestive Disease (SAPD, in its Spanish abbreviation).
2017 - Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology (FACG).
2018 - Pioneer in Andalusia to perform gastroenteroanastomosis with luminal apposition stent to treat bowel obstruction.
2019 - Fellow of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (FASGE).
The Digestive System Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital offers a patient service portfolio that includes all the clinical aspects of gastroenterology, hepatology, biliary duct and pancreatic disease, as well as the diagnostic and treatment techniques used in this speciality such as abdominal ultrasound, endoscopy and other functional tests.
Our specialists have solid professional backgrounds and the team is highly qualified for the diagnosis and treatment of complex diseases such as conditions related to acidity (gastric ulcers, helicobacter pylori, gastroesophageal reflux disease), enteropathies (Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis; coeliac disease...), viral hepatitis, hepatic cirrhosis, pancreatic disease...
The Digestive System Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital is a pioneer in the implementation of a specific check-up programme for digestive disease with special attention to the diagnosis and treatment of colon precancerous lesions.
Diseases, treatments and techniques:
• Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic ultrasound
• Endoscopic resection techniques (mucosectomy/submucosal dissection)
• Submucosal or third-space endoscopy (POEM and variants)
• Bariatric endoscopy (Apollo Method)
Читать подробнееWith a Degree in Medicine and Surgery obtained at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid, he completed his studies in Nephrology as a Resident Doctor at the Clínico Universitario
San Carlos Hospital in Madrid where he completed his studies with Doctorate courses in Endocrinology.
Throughout his trajectory, Dr Marañés has carried out extensive work relating to his subject of interest, i.e., renal diseases associated to diabetic patients, and has taken part in the pancreatic islets transplant programme of patients with renal transplants. He is the author of numerous national and international medical-scientific publications.
Professional Experience:
• 2006 – Currently: Head of the Nephrology and Haemodialysis Unit of the Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital.
• 1996 – 2006: Medical Consultant of the Nephrology and Haemodialysis Unit of the Costa del Sol de Marbella Hospital from December 1996 to June 2006.
• 2004 – 2006: President of the Commission of Pharmacists and Therapists from 2004 to 2006.
• 1996: Nephrology Unit of the Getafe University Hospital.
• 1995-1996: Medical Consultant of the Nephrology Unit of the Virgen de la Luz Hospital in Cuenca.
• 1995 – 1996: Head of the Madrid-Oeste Dialysis Centre ascribed to the San Carlos University Hospital.
• FIS Research Project (record: 93/0029-02) on the «Study of the effects of human pancreatic islets in Type I Diabetes patients".
• MAR Project, Morbidity and Mortality Anaemia Renal studies. Descriptive, prospective, multicentred and open study on case series. 2003-2004
• Nefrona Project: Observational, prospective and multicentred study on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in patients at different stages of chronic renal disease.
• Department of Pathology. University of Edinburgh. United Kingdom, 1987.
The Nephrology and Hypertension Unit deals with non-surgical kidney diseases and with blood pressure. The professionals of the Nephrology Unit of Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital have vast experience in this speciality which, together with the latest drug technologies and equipment, helps them prevent and correct potential system unbalance and provide better recovery to patients. Due to the close connection between kidney conditions and the function of other vital organs, the specialists of the Nephrology team apply a multidisciplinary approach and work with the Cardiology, Endocrinology, Digestive System and Urology Units, amongst others.
Quirónsalud Marbella Hospital is the only private establishment in the area to be equipped with a Dialysis Unit provided with 20 stations in a facility situated in an adjacent building as an independent healthcare circuit. Due to our background in providing services to international patients, this Haemodialysis Unit has a team of interpreters for overseas patients providing various languages that guarantee a personalised service regardless of the country of origin.
Читать подробнееСтационарное и амбулаторное ведение пациентов хирургического профиля, а также проведение УЗИ-диагностики.
Врач занимается лечением и диагностикой следующих заболеваний и состояний: аппендицит, заворот кишок, кишечные спайки, язва желудка и язвенная болезнь, холецистит; грыжи различных типов, включая бедренную, паховую, пупочную и грыжу передней брюшной стенки; варикозное расширение вен; травмы живота, нижней части спины, поясничного отдела позвоночника и таза; аноректальные состояния, такие как аноректальный свищ, трещина заднего прохода и полип анального канала; заболевания копчика, включая кисты копчика и копчиковые ходы; кожные и подкожные инфекционные процессы, такие как карбункулы, абсцессы, флегмоны, фурункулы и гидраденит; а также лечение атером, липом, гигром и вросших ногтей.
Читать подробнееПрием врача | цена по запросу |
Гормонотерапия | $450 |
Прием врача | цена по запросу |
Гормонотерапия | $450 |
Прием врача | цена по запросу |
Удаление опухоли головного мозга | $10508.89 - $13661.56 |
Лучевая терапия опухолей головного мозга | $2000 - $4000 |
Операция при раке молочной железы | $7566.4 - $8407.11 |
Прием врача | цена по запросу |
Операция при раке желудка | $10000 - $12000 |
Трансназальное удаление опухоли | $10000 - $15000 |
Лапароскопическая простатэктомия | $6000 |
Доктор Алон Пикарски — сертифицированный общий хирург, специализирующийся на колоректальной хирургии и работающий в медицинском центре «Хадасса». Он говорит на английском и иврите и был инструктором, лектором и старшим преподавателем хирургии с 1995, 1999 и 2005 соответственно. Он также был директором программы для студентов-медиков на кафедре хирургии с 1997 года и директором программы ординатуры с 2000 года. Он является членом различных хирургических ассоциаций с 1998 года.
Читать подробнееДоктор имеет медицинский диплом Медицинского колледжа Университета Улудаг, Бурса, Турция (1983 г.), постдокторскую стипендию в области терморадиотерапии Университета Томаса Джефферсона, Филадельфия, Пенсильвания (1990–1994 гг.), и ординатуру по радиационной онкологии в Центре онкологии и ядерной Медицина, Стамбул, Турция (1990). Он также занимал должности профессора, председателя и координатора по аккредитации преподавателей в Медицинском колледже Университета Улудаг (1991–2005 гг.), профессора и директора Медицинского центра Анадолу (2004–2017 гг.) и директора международной больницы Джейлан и больницы Медикана Бурса (2017 г.). -настоящее время).
Читать подробнееЛицензированный онколог-радиолог с 8-летним медицинским образованием, включая обучение на бакалавриате на медицинском факультете Университета Мармара (2004-2011) и обучение по специализации радиационной онкологии на медицинском факультете Университета Мармара (2012-2016). Предыдущее образование: Шестнадцатиномерная Ширванская средняя школа (Азербайджан) (1998-2004).
Читать подробнееПрием врача | цена по запросу |
Внутрибрюшинная химиотерапия HIPEC | $28000 - $47000 |
Сегментарная резекция легкого | $12000 - $20000 |
Колэктомия (резекция толстой кишки) | $11000 - $16000 |