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Bookimed заботится о вашей безопасности. Мы работаем только с клиниками, которые соответствуют высоким международным стандартам для проведения синус-лифтинга. Они имеют необходимые лицензии для обслуживания международных пациентов по всему миру.
Bookimed предлагает бесплатную помощь и поддержку. Личный медицинский координатор с вами на связи до, во время и после поездки. Вы не будете одни в другой стране во время процедуры Синус-лифтинг.
BioDental Care — стоматологический центр в Тихуане, Мексика. Качество медицинских услуг подтверждено сертификатом Американской стоматологической ассоциации (ADA).
Зачастую BioDental Care выбирают пациенты из США, Канады, Великобритании.
Tijuana is characterized for being a modern city dynamic filled with history museums, good restaurants and also great hotels.Tijuana is characterized for being a modern city dynamic filled with history museums, good restaurants and also great hotels
In 1996 Dr. Guevara moved to Boston, MA and after some time of hard work and dedication, our Mexican Dentist was fortunate enough to work for over ten years as the Associate Dental Director for the Codman Square Health Center in Dorchester, MA
Our team knows that dental health is not just about white smiles, it is about having strong and healthy teeth and gums. Here, our mission is to help patients accomplish their smiling goals in a painless, compassionate and efficient way. Dr. Oscar Ceballos is one of the pioneers in dental implant technology. He participated in the first study group of dental implantology in Loma Linda, California
Your safety and satisfaction are our main concerns. Our state-of-the-art hospital and surgical center is the first internationally accredited facility of its kind in all of Mexico. Come see what sets us apart. Bariatric surgery results may vary in every person. A nutritional program follows the bariatric surgery in order to achieve best results. The photos of plastic surgery procedures are from former patients of Dr
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