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Bookimed заботится о вашей безопасности. Мы работаем только с клиниками, которые соответствуют высоким международным стандартам для проведения операции при кистевом туннельном синдроме. Они имеют необходимые лицензии для обслуживания международных пациентов по всему миру.
Bookimed предлагает бесплатную помощь и поддержку. Личный медицинский координатор с вами на связи до, во время и после поездки. Вы не будете одни в другой стране во время процедуры Операция при кистевом туннельном синдроме.
Мексика | Турция | Чехия | |
Операция при кистевом туннельном синдроме | от 1 800 $ | от 4 000 $ | от 800 $ |
Hospital de la Familia — это многопрофильный госпиталь, который входит в группу больниц Hospitales MAC. Он расположенная в городе Мехикали, Мексика.
Хоспитал де ла Фамилиа специализируется на 24 медицинских направлениях, среди которых гастроэнтерология, кардиохирургия, нейрохирургия.
We use the latest diagnostic technologies, as well as the most modern therapeutic procedures, all with the aim of reintegrating the patient into his daily life in the shortest possible time, always under the principles of professional ethics, in order to achieve an adequate relationship Doctor-patient, based on truth and trust
ADVANCE HEALTH MEDICAL CENTER is a World Class Surgery Center with bilingual, prepared and trained staff to take care of any surgical and medical requirement around the best attention quality you are expecting.If your menstrual cramps are caused by an underlying disorder, such as endometriosis or fibroids, surgery to correct the problem may help reduce your symptoms
Get treated by experts who are committed to your well-being. Baja Surgery Center is the only surgery center in Los Algodones, and offers preventive surgical care, focusing on same-day procedures in plastic, general, maxillofacial, orthopedic, othorinolaringology and urologic surgery. All of the practices performed at our surgery center are done by qualified doctors and follow every safety standard
In just over two decades, Angeles Hospital has radically transformed the practice of private medicine in Mexico and become a leader in medical tourism.Angeles Health International is the US based subsidiary of Angeles Hospital that helps coordinate the treatment of more North American medical travelers than any other hospital network globally
Hospital Real San Jose is well known for offering an innovative approach to their services: with an appealing hotel and hospital concept design, it offers modern premises to their clients as well as the latest technology and top quality in their services
Hospital San Jose is an international health care institution with high hygiene, quality and service standards that offer you peace of mind knowing that you´re trusting your life to the best hands.
At Hospital San Jose, for the sake of your tranquility and safety, we make sure all of our personnel are highly skilled and certified in order to provide accurate and effective treatment
The main object of the Medical History Committee is to accomplish the registration of the relevant clinical data in order to provide decision-support information while taking care of our patients in accordance with the corporation’s Policy of Quality as well as the national and international standards
День 1 - Прибытие
День 2 - Подготовка к операции
День 3 - День операции
День 4 - После операции
Неделя 1 - Реабилитация
Неделя 2 - Реабилитация
Неделя 3 - Реабилитация
Неделя 6 - Реабилитация
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